Chapter 25

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Relationships are fickle things. I love my man, don't get me wrong but somethings he does ticks me off. Ah well, here is the next update.

"You do?" Shinrai asked, heart thumping in his ears loudly.

Araile nodded, her cheeks flushing hotly. Shinrai grinned and let out an excited 'whoop!', startling some nearby birds in a tree. He then grabbed her hands and spun her around in a circle, laughing loudly. Araile squealed in surprise then joined in the laughter, Shinrai's laughter being contageous.

Shinrai had never felt so happy in his life...except for finding Araile again of course. His eyes gleamed brightly in the sunshine as he continued spinning his love around and around.

"Shinrai! I'm getting dizzy!" Araile giggled and Shinrai let go of her hands, causing the dizzy 14 year old to flop onto the grass in a dizzy heap.

She blinked a couple of times, trying to get her eyesight to stop spinning. Shinrai flopped down beside her, causing some dandelion fluff to float over her. One seed landed on top of her nose, causing an annoying itch to rise. Rubbing her nose, Araile watched the innocent seed float up and fly away as a gentle breeze carried it away.

A bird chirped nearby, and her ear twitched.

"So what's next?" Shinrai spoke suddenly.

"Hm?" Araile hummed, not really paying attention.

The different scents of different flowers wafted over her, and some blades of grass tickled her neck and arms. Her mind began to wander as she basked from the sense of comfort in the field.

"What's next? Where do we go from here?" Shinrai spoke again, his purple eyes gazing up at the clouds that floated in the sky.

"I don't know" Araile answered truthfully.

And she truly didn't know. Where would this go? Would her and Shinrai get a house? How would she get a house? She never had any money; Kakashi had always provided for her or given her money to buy stuff. Would Kakashi even approve?

A rustle from beside her caught her attention, and Araile turned her head to see Shinrai sit up. Loose pieces of grass fell from his clothing.

"We'll figure this out" he stated firmly, a smile spreading across his face as he turned to look at Araile.

She smiled and nodded back.

"Come on, I'm hungry! Let's go back home" she said as her stomach decided to make its demands known.

Shinrai nodded and helped her up. He took ahold of her hand and interlaced his fingers with hers, causing a small blush to spring up. The two lovebirds headed off to the village, looking for something to eat. Many different smells wafted in her nose, and one particular one enticed Araile to the point where she dragged Shinrai across the street to the ramen food shop. Her tail twitched as she watched the elderly man and his daughter make delisious looking ramen. There was only one problem: neither Araile or Shinrai had any money to pay for the food.

The elderly man noticed the 14 year old and waved with a smile.

"Ah, Araile! I haven't seen you in a while my dear! How have you been? And who is this handsome young man with you?" he asked as she walked into the small restaraunt.

"Hello Mister Teuchi! I've been better, taking care of Kakashi and stuff. This is Shinrai, he's my're together now" she giggled with a blush, Shinrai blushing madly beside her.

Teuchi didn't miss this though and gave a sly smile.

"Your 'friend' eh? Well, what can I cook for you and your 'friend'?" he asked.

"We don't have any money" Araile said, looking down in sadness.

"Nonsense! This will be on the house!" Teuchi proclaimed with a smile.

Both her and Shinrai looked at the ramen chef in disbelief.

"T-thank you sir!" Shinrai said, bowing his head.

Teuchi waved his hand towards the couple.

"Don't worry about it, son. Araile is a very dear and special girl, and we love having her here" he said with a smile, and got to work making the wonderful smelling-and tasting-ramen.

"Hey, Mister Teuchi ? Is Ayame working today?" Araile asked as she sat on one of the many stools, Shinrai following.

"Of course! She is out grabbing some ingrediants and should be back soon" the man said as he continued to cook.

Shinrai shot her a confused look.

"Ayame is his daughter. She used to come over and play with me when I was little when Kakashi went on missions" she explained with a smile, and Shinrai nodded his understanding.

"Oh my! Araile, is that you?! Oh my gosh you've grown so much I missed you!" a voice cried from behind the two teens.

The feline teenager turned around and was suddenly enveloped in a hug, and a giggle come from her.

"Ayame! Hi! I missed you too!" Araile squeaked as Ayame continued hugging her.

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