Chapter 24

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My apologies to everyone out there for not updating :(

My laptop has been acting weird and freezing off and on. My boyfriend suggests getting a Mac, but I need the money for one...which I don't have. So now I have to save up for a Mac laptop and tuition for university next year.

Oh well! Here's the next part of 'Growing Pains' as a thank you to everyone who didn't give up on me! I've also began uploading 'Just A Kid' to Fanfiction with some changes here and there so if you want to check it out my username is kittyfitz01. Enjoy!

"Araile? Someone is here to see you" a voice floated through the 14 year old's sleep-filled mind.

"Hm?" Araile groggily said as she raised her head from her arms, and Kakashi pointed to a space beside her.

It had been a couple of days since she stayed by Kakashi's hospital bedside on a chair, only getting up to feed herself and Shinrai or going to the bathroom. She wouldn't leave until her old caregiver was discharged. Blinking and looking around, she noticed Shinrai standing beside her.

Unlike Araile, Shinrai continued to go out around the village to do different things, from shopping to training. She lifted her arms above her head and pulled up, feeling a satisfying 'pop' from cracking joints. Unravelling her legs she slowly got up, rubbing a hand through her long hair.

Maybe it was time for her to get a haircut?

"How are you feeling?" Shinrai asked as she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around the boy's chest and feeling his one free arm tighten around her shoulders.

"The same" she murmured, voice muffled from pressing her face against the fabric of Shinrai's shirt.

"Araile, you should go outside" Kakakashi said from the edge of his book.

Araile snorted and racked her fingers through her hair as Shinrai released her. Yes, definitely time for a haircut. Grabbing a hair elastic from her pocket, she pulled back her white and black hair into a high ponytail.

"Yeah, you just want to read your books more in private" she shot back, causing her old caretaker to sigh.

Nailed it.

Shinrai glanced at Araile, and a smile graced his features as he took notice: tendrils of hair escaped the elastic and hung down to frame her face. He had always liked her, ever since she showed up at the Land of Mortality but he never had the nerve to speak up. Now, he was older and more mature. He didn't have Taiyo to bully him anymore.

Giggling snapped Shinrai from his thoughts. Araile was looking at Shinrai with his dream-like expression and it made her laugh.

"Hey wanna walk around?" Shinrai suddenly.

Araile bit her lip anxiously.

What if Kakashi was discharged and she wasn't there? What if something went wrong? What if-

A hand in front of her face broke her out of her inner tirade and she looked down to see her old caretaker's smiling eye.

"Nothing will happen" Kakashi said.

"Okay" Araile agreed and took Shinrai's hand in hers, not noticing the slight blush that raced across Shinrai's cheeks.

She quickly put on sandals and followed Shinrai out the hospital door. The sun shone brightly and a warm wind blew around the two teens. A large smile crept over her face as Araile inhaled; the air fresh and full of scents of Konoha.

"Come on I'll race you to the training grounds!" Shinrai said as he took off in front of her.

Araile quirked an eyebrow and put on a burst of speed, following closely behind. Giggling, the two continued running towards the forest.

"I WIN!" both teens shouted at the same time when they touched a wooden post.

Panting, Shinrai pushed a strand of purple hair out of his eyes. Araile blinked and quickly looked away as a blush crept over her face. Her tail twitched back and forth as she leaned over and flicked him in the shoulder. Shinrai gave her a confused look before she did it again, and again, and again.

"Hey! Quit it!" he huffed, and Araile grinned.

"Make me" she snicked.

She reached out to flick him again, but this time Shinrai caught her hand in his. Letting out a squeak, she tried to pull her hand back, but Shinrai held on tightly. Araile suddenly kicked out and knocked Shinrai's feet from under him. He fell back, causing her to land on top of him due to Shinrai still holding onto her hand.

This led to a mini wrestling match as both tried to gain the upper hand. After a couple of minutes both teens laid on their backs, looking up at the sky and laughing. A blush rushed over her entire body as she realized that Shinrai still had her hand in his. Sighing happily Araile closed her eyes and leaned the back of her head on her arm, listening to the breeze rustling through the leaves in the trees.

"Hey Araile?" Shinrai asked from beside her.

"Yeah?" she answered, opening one eye.

"Can I tell you something?"


Shinrai was silent for a couple minutes, and Araile sat up, curious as to why her friend was so silent.

"Shinrai? What's the matter?" she asked, ear twitching nervously.

Shinrai sighed and sat up, legs crossed and a serious expression on his face. Her heart began pounding, and a little voice began telling her in her mind that he was going to tell her bad news. Was he leaving? Was he going to leave her again? Did he not like her? Did he not like Konoha? Was something bothering him? What was going-

"...I really like you."

Araile froze, a shocked expression on her face.

Well...she wasn't expecting that kind of news.

Shinrai noticed her shocked reaction and looked down at his lap, embarrassed. Maybe she didn't like him the same way? What an embarrassing thing to happen! A knot began forming in Shinrai's stomach as the object of his affection remained silent. Sighing, Shinrai moved to get up, but her answer stopped him dead in his tracks.

"I like you too" Araile said, a small smile gracing her features.

Shinrai's heart began to speed up as he processed this news.

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