Chapter 29

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The sun was high in the sky by the time the two teens exited the apartment. Birds chirped, flying back and forth between the electrical wires. The sky was a pale blue as white clouds drifted lazily across it.

Araile bit the inside of her lip as she held Shinrai's hand. Something in her gut was telling her that something bad was going to happen. But what was it? Shrugging off the feeling, she continued walking with Shinrai down the street. A warm wind blew, making strands of her hair dance around.

"What do you want to do?" Shinrai asked brightly, looking at her.

Before Araile could answer, her feline ears picked up a series of screams from the edge of the village. Her ears swivelled back and forth and she slowed to a stop, bringing Shinrai as well to a stop.

"What's that?" Araile murmured as more screaming sounded.

"What? I don't hear anything" Shinrai said, looking around.

Araile shushed the teen and walked slowly to where the sounds were coming from. The ground began to rumble, and smoke suddenly rose from the sky. An explosion sounded soon after, the blast wave sending the teens stumbling to their knees. Coughing, Shinrai stood back up.

"Are you okay?" he asked, helping Araile up.

"Yeah. What was that?" she coughed.

Before Shinrai could answer, a figure appeared in front of them dressed in black and red. It's sinister-looking purple eyes stared at the two, sending shivers down Araile's spine. It raised it's hand, and spikes shot out of the ground. Araile and Shinrai both lept out of the way, but Araile was too slow. She was caught in the side by a metal rod, and a yelp sounded from her throat. She flew back before smashing to the ground, rolling a couple times before coming to a stop.

"Araile!" Shinrai shouted as he came to a stop.

"I'm okay" she grounded out, pushing herself to her feet.

The figure made no noise as it stared at them. Shinrai growled and lunged at the figure, fist raised. The figure dodged the fist, and Shinrai came back with even more. Fist after fist was dodged, and Araile blinked, their movements too fast for her eyes to follow. A grunt sounded as Shinrai flew back and hit the ground. The black and red-clad figure lunged at Araile, and she braced herself. It came with a hand poised and before she knew it, metal poles wrapped around her arms and legs, effectively trapping her. She squirmed back and forth but to no avail. The figure landed in front of her, and she hissed at it, teeth bared.

"Let me go! Who are you?!" she snarled, squirming to try and get free.

The figure stayed silent and stared at her with its purple eyes. Araile squeezed her eyes shut and bit back a cry as the poles around her limbs tightened. She had to get out of this or the poles would break her bones!

"Hello, my dear" a voice suddenly said in front of her.

Araile's eyes snapped open as she gazed at the figure standing beside her captor. A growl sounded from her chest.

"Ishimaru" she spat, gold eyes glaring at the man.

"Oh how nice, you remembered me" the demon laughed as he walked towards the struggling girl.

"I see you've met my new friends" he said as he gestured to the other male figure.

"Why are you here?" Araile gritted out as the poles tightened even more.

"To destroy Konoha of course, and to destroy you, but I'll leave that to someone else" Ishimaru said as a sadistic smirk crossed his face.

A groan sounded from behind her, and Araile twisted her head around to see Shinrai struggling to get up. Her gut clenched as she took notice of his wounds. He suddenly threw a kunai towards the black and red man, and the man blinked and moved out of the way. The metal poles attached to Araile slipped away, and she slumped to the ground.

"We will see you soon, my dear" Ishimaru cackled as he and the black and red clad man disappeared.

"Araile? Are you okay?!" Shinrai said as he slowly walked over.

Araile nodded, rubbing her wrist. It was bruised, but thankfully not broken. Another explosion sounded from beside them, and her delicate ears caught the sounds of people screaming.

"What's happening?" Araile whispered as she clutched Shinrai's shirt.

The sound of shrieking birds suddenly assaulted her ears, and her gold eyes snapped towards the direction. Her heart began to pound painfully in her chest as she let go of Shinrai's shirt.

"That's Kakashi! He's in trouble!" Araile shouted as she began to run towards the sound.

'Please be okay!' she thought desperately as she continued running through the ruined streets.

She came to a screeching stop just as she caught sight of her old caretaker's grey hair. He was fighting the red and black clad man too, but this one was different. The black-and-red man made a hand sign, and with one hand shot her old caretaker back. Araile slapped her hands to her mouth as a scream ripped out of her. She picked her way across the rubble, and hurried to her old caretaker's side. She fell to her knees beside him and clutched at his vest, fingers gripping the material.

"Kakashi! Get up! Come on!" she shouted as she continued to grip the vest.

No answer.

"Kakashi! Come on!" she cried out, this time shaking the Jonin.

No answer. Tears began to well in her eyes as she looked at the Jonin lying there motionless. She bit her lip as the tears began to slide down her cheeks. Releasing a cry, she hung her head down and wailed, shoulders shaking.

A small nudge in her mind caused her to flinch. No...she didn't want to become a full demon. Another nudge came, this time stronger. She bit her lip as her canines throbbed. Her breathe hitched as her back muscles began to twitch. No. She wouldn't become that.

Tears continued dripping down her face as she clutched her old caretaker's vest. His body was getting cold. Araile sniffled and shook her head. NO! Don't think like that. Her shoulders continued to shake as sobs wracked her body.

"Hello, Araile. You've grown up" a cool voice said behind her.

Araile snapped her head up. That voice...she knew that voice. She turned around, gold eyes wide.

"You" she breathed.

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