Chapter 2

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About an hour later we arrive at the 2 year-olds birthday party.

We walk through the house to the backyard, me in front of my mom. I step and fall flat on my butt My book goes flying, and my glasses are just barely hanging on my face. I hear laughter.I look to what made me fall and I notice for the first time the small steps.

They should have signs for those!

I look up and see 3 guys in a darkcorner laughing the hardest. All three of them are wearing nothing but black.

"Oh Mel," Mom panics,and picks up my book," are you okay sweetheart??"

I hear those guys laugh even harder.

"I'm Fine mom" I pick my self up and dust my shorts and the back of my top. I feel something running down my leg.


I feel my face pale. Me and blood haven't been the best of friends.

"Mom," I shakily ask, "Do you know if they have band aides?"

"Oh yes," She answers and points to the corner where the 3 guy are, "Over there."

I doubt there are actually bandaides over there. She knows that I won't willingly talk to those guys otherwise.

I walk over to them.

Yay! There are bandaides!

"Hey baby," one of the guys say, " I'm Evan, Want a beer?"

"Ummm...No Thanks," I shake my head, " And my name isn't Baby, I just need a band aide."

"Thats sucks," Another Guy said, "Take a seat, Have a beer or 5 with us."

"Wow," I say looking into his blue eyes, "bad joke."

Evan gets up and stands in front of the band aides. "You can have a band aide AFTER a beer."

I sigh, "Fine okay I will Have a beer only a little though before I bleed out!"

"Great," Evan smiles and tosses me a bud Light.

I Turn around, I can basicly feel them checking me out. Ewwyy...

I shake the can in a lot of little shakes making it look like I can't open it.

"Hey Babe," Evan says, "I can get it come here."

"Are you sure?" I ask faking innocence.

"Yes," He smiles.


I pass him the beer and when he opens it he gets a full spray all over himself.

"YOU BITCH!" he yells.

I push him down and grab the band aides. I make a run for it.

Did I mention that I have been in track for 4 years now?

"Don't just stand there," He yells, "Go get her, Dumbasses!"

I laugh.

The 2 other emo guys chase me while i dart around table and kids. I look up and see my mom with a disappointed expression. I stop for a second, looking at her.

"Catch her!" I hear Evan yell.

I look in there direction and start to run again. I dart in and out of toys. The adults are making fun of Emo #1 and 2.

"Get used to girls running from you Mark" One says.

"Sam, Make dad proud, catch her" another says.

Sam and Mark. Interesting names.

After awhile, I am hiding behind a corner of the house. I hear the guys yelling and coming closer. They are really close. I stick out my foot and they trip and fall over eachother.

"Idiots!" I laugh and take off again.

I look around and see Evan coming. He doesn't look very happy.

I run around the house. I look behind me to see that Sam and Mark Arent there and crash into somethng hard. With a black shirt on.

I look up to see one of Evans friends.

"Yo, Evan," He yells in triumph , " I caught her!"

"Let Me go dipweed!" I struggle against him but he is very strong and he has my arms pinned back.

I suddenly remember that class we had to take in 9th grade: self defense.

I kick him in the shin and he doubles over grabbing it and jumping around.

"SUCKER!" I yell behind me.

"Who is the sucker may I ask?" Evan says as I crash into him. I really need to stop looking behind me while I run away from people.

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