Chapter 8

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When I wake up, I sit up and stretch my arms and look out the window.

It's dark out... I wonder what time it is?

I jump when I hear a grumble then laugh once I realize it was just my stomache.

Oh yeah, I didn't eat my salad.

I open the door as carefully as I can.

I tiptoe my way towards the kitchen but stop when I notice the tv is on.

I walk over and turn it off and jump when I hear someone snore. I turn around and see a sleeping Evan.

Awwww... He looks adora- Wait a second! Was I Just About to- Did I just call Evan-No! No no no no! NO! He is not, and let me repeat not adorable! At all.

I shake my head and walk towards the kitchen to come across a ginormous mess with pots and pans and is that a tomato splashed on the wall?

Note to self: Don't let the guys cook...Ever!

I turn on the light and start to wash dishes and Put them away. I scrubbed the wall and the floor and the microwave (which had a dark green gooey goop on it).

I look in the pantry to see if it had all the ingrediants to make my favorite meal ever. Spaghetti. It did!

I do a little dance and Grab all thats needed and jog to the island.

Of course, Being the stupid kluts I am, I forgot about the wet floor and slipped. The uncooked noodles sprayed everywhere and the can of marinara clattered against the wall.

I heard a sudden movement coming from the living room... hahah I have an idea!

I look in the cupborads and I find red food coloring. I plop a few drop out of the corner of my mouth and I put some in my hair. I ruffle up my hair some and I rouse up my clothes. I Smile and put add some more drops of the dye. I let it run down my face and onto my clothes. I make a huge spot on my abdomen to look like a stab wound

I smile and hide the dye. I then make the kitchen all messy again as if a fight happened.

I start banging on the pots screaming bloody murder I stop banging and I lay on the ground. I let out one last loud blood curling shriek before I close my eyes and fight the smile trying to burst on my face.

I hear heavy footsteps running towards the kitchen.

"What the hell?" Mark groggily murmured.

"Where is Melody?" Sam ask urgently.

"In her room, I think," Mark offered.

"No, No she wasn't I ran by there before I came here, "He pauses, " the door was wide open."

"Shit," Mark cursed.

I peaked open my eyes and noticed I was to far behind the counter for them to see me.

I hear footsteps coming closer to me.

this is going to be amazing.

"Melody!" Evan yells, Falls on his knees(I think) and grabs my hand.

Oh shit I forgot I have a pulse...

Wait, what is he doing? He doesn't check my pulse he holds my hand and rubs it on his face. He then rubs my cheek brushing away my hair.

"Oh My God," Mark shouts, " I-I-I'm so sorry man...I know what you felt about her..."


"Melody, " He whipsers and pulls my still limp body onto his laps.

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