Chapter 3

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"Crap," I say to myself.

He takes hold of both of my shoulders. Making me face him.

"Now why did you do that?" he asks fake hurt, "That wasnt very ladylike."

I spit in his face.

"Ugh Gross," He yells

"haha Loser!" I run until i trip over a rock and go sprawling. Mark and Sam are immedietly there and pick me up by my arms. I struggle and kick until one lets go of my arms and grabs my legs and the other keeps hold of my arms, my back just barely above the ground. They carry me like that through the party. My glasses just barely sitting on the edge of my nose.

The men cheer. The women boo. The kids laugh.

"Let me go, you inconsiderate peice of poop!" I struggle.

I see Evan walking up With a smirk.

"Ahh Evan," A buff guy with black hair and a mustache says, " I see you have met Melody."

"Melody?" He asks.

"Yes," My mom says, " Boys put her down and go play."

They look at Evan and he shrugs. They drop me on the ground and I yelp.

"I think she ment gently, Douchebags" I growl.

"Melody!" My Mom Lectures.

I stand up and shake off. Mom passes me my book.

"Evan," The buff guy says, " You and Melody go inside. We will be there in a minute."

I walk towards the backdoor and trip over the step... again.

"Wow," Evan says his arms crossed in front of him, " You are really clumsy."

"Shut up," I mumble I pick my self up and carefully sit on a love seat. He chuckles and sits by me.

"Get away," I shove him but I fail. He laughs and scoots even closer.

I sigh. I open my book. Evan snorts.

Oh my God! Why can't he leave me alone. I stand and walk to a different couch.

"Why the hell are you reading at a party?" Evan asks.

"Because I like books," I say simply, "So if would be so kind and leave me alone, I can happily read my book in peace!"

He walks over and snatches it from my hand.

"I'm not kind though, " He says closing the book.

"Hey!" I stand up, "You lost my place!"

"Like I care," He says calmly, he turns the book reading the title, " Twilight ? Really?"

"Yes really," I try to snatch at the book. Jumping up and down.

"Try to get it midget!" He mocks and raises the book above his head.

"FUCK YOU!" I shout trying to bring his arm down.

"On the first date? I didn't know you were that kind of girl," He says.

"Ew! I'm not! I'm a virgin thank you very much," I freeze, just realizing what I confided to him. I feel my face go red.

It's silent for a moment, Until Evan laughs.

I look around trying to find something so I could change the subject, "Give me my book back," I whisper.

"Nahh, I'm good," He smirks, " Ms. Virgin." then starts laughing again

"Douchebag," I whisper.

I turn my head to look at him and notice he is laughing with his eyes closed and doubling over. I tiptoed behind him and leapt onto his back with a yelp.

Evan Wasn't expecting it and turned around while I was in midhump and fell backwards.

I grabbed my book and raise it above my head, "Hazahh! I win! You lose!" I stick my tongue out at him when I see him smirking.

"What are you smirking about?" I ask nervously.

"This position is NOT the position of A virgin," he laughs while I look at the pose we are in.

I'm sitting on his stomache one leg on each side of him. He has his hands on my hips.

I run my hand through my hair and he groans.

I look at him.

Why did he groan?

"You know," He says, " Even though I sorta hate you at the moment, I'm still a guy and your still pretty sexy..."


" I don't get it, " I say ," Why did you groan?"

He shakes his head, " Just-"

I hear someone clear thier throat...

"Nice Evan," One of Evans friends says, " You already got the slut eating out of your hands."

"Mark, she is a virgin," he says trying to hold in his laughter.

They both break out in laughter, except for the one I'm guessing is Sam.

My face pales.

"Oh. My. God," I was speachless.

"Okay kids," My mom says, "we need to talk."

They guys get quiet and sit on the couch. I sit on the floor

"Melody," My mom scolds, "sit on the couch with those nice young men."

"I don't want to."


Ugh why does she do that?!?! I stand and sit in the other side from Mark and Evan. Sam seems like an okay guy so far.

"Dad?" Evan Asks.

"Errmm...A long time ago... My Great-great-grandmother..." he pauses

"And my Great great Grandmother," My mom continues.

Something bad is going to happen... I just know it. Something very, Very,VERY bad....

"Well they Kind of made an agreement...," he pauses again.

"What kind of agreement...?" I ask nervously running my hand in my hair. It's one of my nervous habits. Always has been.

" An arrianged marriage kind of agreement," My mom finsishes bluntly.

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