Chapter 14: Team 9

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"Team 9," you replied, grinning at your sensei.

Iruka raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. I'm sure you would make an excellent addition to their team."

You weren't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. After all, you were a new genin, and Lee, Tenten, and Neji all had at least a year of training more than you did. What good could you bring to their team that they did not already have? Nevertheless you wanted to be on Team 9, so it didn't matter what they thought.

"Um…thank you?" you mumbled, half-glancing at Iruka's amused expression. He straightened, then gestured to the door. "Come then, I'll take you to meet your sensei and new team."

You followed as he headed towards the training grounds.

"They'll be here somewhere…" you kept hearing him mutter to himself. "I told Gai that you might join his team…he might've forgotten…"

It took another hour of searching, but when Iruka finally located them, he was in a foul mood.

"Gai!" he shouted, brandishing the papers in his hand at the green-clad man sparring with his three students. You noticed Lee first, who stopped in the middle of an airborne flip and fell to the ground in a tangled green heap.

"Iruka!" Gai boomed, without missing a beat. He pocketed his kunai and spun around to face the two of you. Neji, Lee, and Tenten staggered to the forest floor, panting and wiping the sweat off their brows.

"This is [Last Name] [First Name]. As you can see –" Iruka began, but Gai cut him off mid-sentence, his face lighting up with anticipation.

"Yes, I see…well if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find Kakashi. Meanwhile, Lee, Neji, and Tenten – you can entertain [Name] while I'm gone."

"Yosh, Gai-sensei!" Lee proclaimed, straightening up and offering you a smart salute. You gave him a warm smile in response. With that, Gai vanished, leaving a very baffled-looking Iruka in his wake. Then Iruka excused himself and headed off as well, leaving you alone in the company of Team 9 minus the sensei.

"It had to take a whole year, but it's great to have another kunoichi on this team at last," Tenten sighed, tilting her head. Her eyes held an animated, almost manic gleam. "Hey, [Name]. Are you any good with weapons?"

"Not particularly," you admitted. Neji eyed you critically, but didn't offer a comment. You wondered if he disapproved of your presence. He didn't like to acknowledge the prowess of kunoichi in comparison to shinobi after all, and having another female on his team may bring him inconvenience.

"Now, [Name]-san…let us train!" Lee called joyfully, doing a backflip and landing neatly on a nearby tree branch.

"Just as I expected," Tenten muttered under her breath. "You really can call this entertainment, Lee?"

He jumped back down and landed beside her, grinning. "Yes! It is the best form of entertainment there is! I will make Gai-sensei proud!"

"Why did Gai…sensei leave so abruptly?" you asked, somewhat miffed at his sudden departure.

"Oh! That is because of his bet with his eternal rival, Kakashi-san!"

"Bet?" you echoed, glancing curiously at Lee.

"Gai-sensei is kind of eccentric that way," Tenten explained. "He and Kakashi have a long-standing tendency to bet over childish things."

Lee shook his head seriously. "Gai-sensei has an outstanding record of 50 wins and 49 losses. This one will bring his win count up by one! So arigatou, [Name]-san, for your help!"

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