Chapter 57: Cherry Blossom Petals

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"I'm interested in taijutsu and genjutsu," you replied. Tears leaked from the corners of Gai's eyes as he struggled to contain his delight at your choice.

"My dear student, you show uninhibited promise!" he proclaimed, as Lee did a happy somersault off the wall. "You'll be whipped into shape by the time Lee and I are done with you, right Lee?"

"Hai, Gai-sensei!"

"And I shall contact Yuuhi Kurenai. I'm sure she'll be happy to give you some genjutsu training; she's been dying for an apprentice with the talent and enthusiasm for illusionary techniques."

"I still think you'd make a great medical-nin," Tenten grumbled wistfully, smoothing out her bangs. "Well, good luck on your training."

You thanked her and tried to stand up, preparing to follow Gai-sensei and Lee as they left the hospital room.

"Not so fast," Tenten said, raising an arm to prevent you from leaving. "You still need to recover from your injuries, remember?"

"I forgot," you said truthfully, settling yourself back into the pillow. "But I want to get started as soon as possible."

"Your internal wounds should be fine," Neji stated, his pale eyes sweeping over the room. "The medical-nin sped up the healing process with their jutsu, so you should be better in a few days. Knowing Gai-sensei, you'd probably be forced back on your feet and begin training tomorrow at the earliest."

"Great!" you said cheerfully, unfazed. He gave you an odd look, but didn't comment.


The nurse insisted that you sign out a pair of crutches, much to your displeasure. Even Neji said you were okay to walk on your own, but the persistent lady would hear none of it.

"I'm already doing you a favour, releasing you from the hospital this early. If you don't agree to my terms, then I'll sign this waiver to ensure you're staying here for another week," she threatened, waving the document in front of your face.

"Okay, okay, I got it," you grumbled, leaning heavily on your crutches as you made your way to the hospital exit. Tenten hovered behind you anxiously, no doubt waiting for you to stumble or fall over. Once you were out of sight of the people inside the hospital building, you dropped your pretences, sighing in relief.

"I think I'm going to leave these at home," you said, stacking the crutches on top of each other and slinging the pair over your shoulder. Your eyes weaved through the familiar roads, searching for the one that led to your house. "They'll only get in the way."

She glowered at you. "[Name], the nurse said –"

"I know," you said, waving your free hand impatiently. "But you heard what Neji said. I'm perfectly fine. The nurse is just making a big deal out of it, because it's her responsibility after all if I break my leg or something. Don't worry about it."

Tenten had to jog to catch up as you quickened your pace. "You're so stubborn. Fine, fine, but I'm sticking to you to make sure you don't hurt yourself unintentionally."

You shrugged. "It's not like I can object."

She gave you a wicked grin. "Of course not."


The heels of your shinobi sandals clattered against the dusty, unpaved path that led to the training grounds where you had first met Team 9. To nobody's surprise, Lee and Gai-sensei were already there, performing various training exercises and peculiar, haphazard warm up activities. Neji was absent, but you supposed he prioritized his training over watching yours. That was fine by you.

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