Chapter 67: Testing the Waters - Team 10

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Dampness spread evenly throughout the paper until it sagged under the weight of the water, the corners dripping with dewy moisture. Cradling the now-sopping slip in your hand, you looked up to see a relieved smile on your sensei’s face.

“And I was beginning to think you didn’t have an affinity,” Asuma joked, puffing lightly on his cigarette. “But all’s well that ends well. Though I must say you are quite unusual – water affinity is more common among ninja of Kirigakure. I’ll have a fine time trying to find you a teacher,” he added, chuckling.

You laughed uncertainly, not really getting the joke.

“It’s a shame our village doesn’t have diplomatic relations with the Village Hidden in the Mist,” he explained. “The Fourth Mizukage is well-known to be a ruthless, barbaric lad who won’t take it lightly to have a potential Leaf spy roaming around in his village. I’ll speak to an old acquaintance of mine and see what we can do for you.”


It took a week before your sensei got back to you. During that time, Team 8 completed various D-ranked assignments and partook in arduous training exercises. Occasionally, Asuma sent you on joint missions with Team 8, so that Kurenai could watch over your team. You weren’t exactly sure what he was up to, but you knew it had something to do with your suiton training.

One day, Asuma pulled you out in the middle of shuriken practise with Ino and brought you to an empty classroom in the Academy building. Seeing the familiar arrangement of blackboard and desks, you felt a pang of longing. Excluding your shadow clone’s memories, your time here had been rather short. But even then, it didn’t stop you from missing the wide windows, the two-person desks. In your mind’s eye, you could see Iruka standing at the front of the room, a wide smile on his face, announcing the graduation test. How could it have just been little more than a week ago?

“There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Asuma said, interrupting your reverie. “She’ll be here any moment now.”

You looked up, your eyes roaming past the slightly ajar door into the hallway beyond. Just then, a woman peered curiously through the gap, her brilliant green eyes scanning the spacious classroom. You didn’t recognize her as a Konohagakure kunoichi and assumed she must be the Kiri-nin Asuma was expecting.

“Asuma-san,” she said, a small smile gracing her lips. “It’s always a pleasure to see you. Where is the young lady?”

Now that she had pushed aside the door and stepped into the brightly lit room, you had a better view of her full appearance. The woman had long auburn hair tied in an intricate topknot bun complete with stylized bangs that covered one eye. She wore a long, deep blue gown with mesh armour underneath. Regarding you with warm eyes, her smile never faded from her lipstick-coated lips.

“[Name], this is Terumi Mei, a kunoichi from Kiri,” Asuma explained, looking at you.

“Very pleased to meet you.” Her voice, though mild, held an odd note of authority. There was no doubt about it; Mei radiated an aura of incredible power.

“Nice to meet you too, Mei-sama,” you replied, curtsying out of respect and because you were unsure of what proper etiquette you were expected to have in front of foreign shinobi. She dipped her head in response and turned her attention to Asuma.

“This is the child you request me to mentor? You must understand that she will need to take the necessary precautions to prevent the Mizukage’s suspicions. Yagura will not approve of a Konoha-born shinobi running around in Kiri. He may jump to conclusions, and will not hesitate to eliminate her.”

He nodded. “She is a kunoichi of the Leaf. She will take the risks the training may entail.”

You swallowed hard and nodded as well. No matter how ominous his words, you couldn’t make your sensei look bad in front of the Mist ninja.

“Very well,” Mei replied evenly. “The first important measure, you must do as you are told at all times, do you agree?”

You hesitated very slightly, but you had a feeling she noticed. “Yes ma’am.”

“Good. We start with this.” Rummaging through her back pouch, she came up with a long band of black fabric that you recognized as a forehead protector. The metal plate was engraved with the four scores of the Mist Village’s emblem. Mei handed it to you wordlessly.

“W-what is this for?” you asked stupidly, gazing at your distorted reflection in the shiny metal.

She gave you a dispassionate, tinkling laugh. “You’re going to have to blend in if we don’t want to attract Yagura’s attention. It’s the most important component to your disguise. I have standard Kiri attire for you, but without this hitai-ate, the costume will be useless. It was very hard to come by, as the graduation ritual is strict and harshly enforced. With it, no one will have any doubts that you are not a Mist kunoichi.”

You stared at the forehead protector in your hands, dumbfounded. “I’m supposed to…wear this?”

“Well of course. You obviously can’t be sporting a Konoha symbol on your forehead, and the lack of a forehead protector will only bring unnecessary trouble and questions. [Name], if you want to be my apprentice, you must do as you are told at all times, understood?”

A feeling of unidentifiable shame welled up inside of you as you slowly undid the knot tying your Konoha hitai-ate to your forehead. Part of you knew that it was foolish, but part of you felt that it was an act of treachery against your village.

“It’s only a costume,” Asuma reassured, seeing your mulish expression. Sighing in defeat, you slipped your forehead protector off your forehead and wrapped the unfamiliar Kiri one around your head. It felt cold and alien, but fit snugly nevertheless, inducing a feeling of foreboding in your heart. Mei handed you a grey flak jacket, striped arm and legwarmers, and a set of black clothes.

“Your disguise,” she said encouragingly, thrusting the garments into your unwilling hands. “Change into these as soon as you can, pack up, and meet me at Konoha’s gates in half an hour. I plan to reach Kirigakure by tomorrow.”

With that, she strode out of the room, leaving you and your sensei alone again.

“That’s it,” Asuma said cheerfully, breaking the heavy silence. “You’re off to the Mist Village for a couple of months. When I see you back, I expect you to have plenty of new jutsu to impress your friends!”

You nodded wordlessly, your eyes never leaving the pile of clothes in your arms.

“Good luck with your training,” he said finally, in a softer tone.

You nodded again. “Thanks, sensei.”

“Now get going, Mei doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

Go to Chapter 95.

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