Chapter 17: Defiance

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You glared at Mizuki, your patience wearing thin. "No way, you traitor! What makes you think I'll betray my own village by stealing that scroll for you? All you want is to have it for yourself, isn't that right?"

The cheerful expression on Naruto's face vanished, replaced by doubt. "[Name]-chan, Mizuki-sensei isn't like that…he just wants to help us graduate!"

"By stealing a scroll filled with dangerous forbidden jutsu?" you spat, directing your words at Mizuki. Nevertheless, Naruto flinched at your harsh tone. "I'm sorry, Naruto, but I can't let you be tricked by this creep."

Mizuki eyed you calmly. You had to give him some credit. Even in this situation, the guy's acting was flawlessly executed. He genuinely looked hurt by your words. He placed his hand over his heart. "I – your sensei – trick you? [Name], what are you going on about?"

"I…" you muttered, your hand inching towards the shuriken pouch Iruka had given you a few days ago. You were itching to try out the new weapons with your shadow-clone-training acquired skills.

"Well, if you don't want to, I certainly won't pressure you," Mizuki continued steadily, with just the right amount of regret saturating his voice. "Naruto, go on."

You were about to protest when you realized that in the anime, Naruto only graduated because he was able to pull off the shadow clone stunt to Iruka. If you messed up his chances, he might never graduate! You waited until he disappeared before you focused your attention on Mizuki. He had dropped his sympathetic pretences and was glowering at you with hate-filled eyes.

"What?" you asked innocently, reaching into your pouch and pulling out a fistful of shuriken.

"You really think you can take on a chuunin all by yourself?" he sneered. "Why, you're not even a genin yet, [Name]. How ambitious. You should run away while you still can."

Yes, good idea. You should run and get help, immediately! What were you thinking, taking on Mizuki all by yourself? Go to Chapter 19.

You're staying and fighting! No way will you pass up this chance! Go to Chapter 20.

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