Chapter 74: Your Old Team

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“Kakashi-sensei!” you blurted out, not caring about the repercussions of your actions in the heat of the moment. “Isn’t that a little harsh? We would have worked with Naruto if we could, we really did! But in the limited time we had, enlisting his help would have been counterproductive.”

He raised an eyebrow at you, but did not reply. You decided to plunge onwards. “Because Naruto was tied to the memorial stone, it would’ve taken more than the time we had left to reach him, rescue him, and bring him back. But we wanted him to work with us…right guys?”

Sakura nodded vigorously, and Sasuke gave a noncommittal hn. Your heart warmed at their support.

Kakashi’s eye widened infinitesimally as he pondered your words. You could almost see his mind working as he analyzed the truth behind your words. Waiting for the final verdict, all you could do was stare unblinkingly at your teacher.

“Fine. He passes.”

Beside you, you heard Sakura let out a sigh. It was clear that she cared about her teammate’s wellbeing more than she was letting on. There was no response from Sasuke. For him, nothing was at stake. But for you? There was no sense of relief, as you would have come to expect. You felt exasperated at Kakashi.

And you had no idea why.


The following morning, you met your team at the same time, same place, at Kakashi’s insistence. Again, the twinge of exasperation, but you shook it off in mild annoyance.

“Why do we have to come here so early when Kakashi-sensei is going to be late?” Naruto groaned. “I didn’t even get to brush my teeth or change my underwear!”

As Sakura began to complain about his hygiene and they started bickering, your mind floated off to your memories of your old team, and their antics. The three of you used to argue all the time, and over trivial matters. The thought brought a smile to your face, which froze in place. Old team? What…?!

He showed up then, three hours late, his nose buried in his book. Kakashi was rarely late, it had always been —

You stiffened, because you had just been about to think Obito. But that was impossible, you decided, trying to stifle an internal, hysterical giggle. Your mind, what was happening to your mind?

Identity crisis. HELP. Go to Chapter 109.

What the heck, Rin? What is she trying to do, make you confused? Go to Chapter 110.

It’s nothing, just ignore it. There is no voice living inside your head — nope. Just forget it. Completely. Go to Chapter 76.

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