Chapter -1

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Louis' [pov]

"Slow down Ni baby, before you choke." I told Niall who was gulping down his food at a fast pace. It was breakfast time and it was about seven in the morning. I know, early, but i cant just sleep all day. I have responsibilities now, i have four babies to tale care of. Well, they aren't really baby babies, but they're still ineligible to take care of them selves. And they don't know much either. They have the minds of toddlers, so yeah.

Niall slowed down as i told him and i smiled, petting his hair. "Good." I hoisted Harry up on my waist when he started to slip. He had his head buried in my neck and he was sucking on his dummy, clinging onto me. He, Niall and Liam, are the only ones that have dummies. Zayn doesn't seem to fond of them anymore. I only gave Harry one to stop him from sucking his thumb. He still does it, but it's a start, right?

I took Harry into his own little inventory and settled him down. Getting out his food and setting it in front of him. Harry likes to eat alone, he doesn't like to be around too many people, or he wont eat, he'll just stare at his food. I petted his head, and walked out. I walked back into the kitchen and saw little Liam trying to get up on the stool. He wasn't little, i just like saying that. Because well, he's little to me. I smiled and went behind him, wrapping my arms around him, and lifting him up onto the stool.

"Tank you." Liam said. I smiled and kissed his cheek, making him giggle. They still weren't very good at talking but, it's all good. I don't mind, plus they are just so cute. I looked around noticing that something, or should i say, someone was missing.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked Liam. He was probably the last one to see him.

"Zayn he hide." Liam told me. I groaned and nodded. Zayn was always a little rebel. I walked out of the kitchen and went to the place where i just knew Zayn was hiding. Under his bed. That's the place he always hides. I walked into he and Liam's room. Everyone was suppose to share a room, but Harry (like i said) likes to be alone. So Niall basically has two beds in his room, since Harry's not in there. Harry got his own room.

Zayn's side of the room was decorated with ninja turtles power-rangers stuff, Liam had the toy-story trilogy, Niall had the lion king, nemo, bambi and a whole bunch of disney things. Harry had a mixture of things, just like Niall. He had mario brothers, pokemon, tom and jerry and of course scooby-doo. They all had a lot of stuffed animals too. Zayn's favorite was the red power ranger, Liam's favorite was Woody, Niall's was his Simba and Harry had a cute little pikachu. They were all so adorable.

I walked over to Zayn's bed and stood there, knowing that i knew he saw me. "Zayn c'mon i know you're under there, come on out." I said. I heard a slight ruffling and sighed, kneeling down. I peeked under the bed, and surely i saw Zayn scooting back farther under the bed. "C'mon Zaynie boo, you have to eat." I said. Zayn shook his head.

"Uh uh, Zayn not hungry." Zayn said. I reached out for him, but he moved away from me. "No, Zayn's not coming out."

"Zee just come out, i wont force you to eat." I told him. Zayn looked at me, his eyes big and brown, filled with innocence as if trying to convince me of something. Zayn stared at me for a while longer, before crawling over to me. I smiled and gently grabbed Zayn, helping him slid from under the bed. I picked him up and he squirmed not wanting to be picked up. I put him down, and grabbed his hand, just in case he tried to run. I returned back into the kitchen and saw that Niall's face was a mess, smudged with food. Liam was completely clean. He was always a clean eater. He was actually the cleanest of everyone, but he had his messy days sometimes.

I grabbed a wet wipe and went over to Niall, cleaning his face off. Niall smiled when i was done and i grinned, kissing his temple.

"You're done Ni, now go play." I said. Niall cheered and the little kitten ears on his head stood up, as he ran out of the kitchen.

"Liam wanna play too!" Liam said, scrambling off his stool. I smiled and nodded. Liam beamed and ran out after Niall. I looked down at Zayn and he had a pout on his lips. I gently scratched his ears and his fluffy black tail wagged.

"You go play with Ni, and Li, ok Zaynie." I said. Zayn nodded and walked out of the kitchen, after them. I went in to check on Harry, and i saw that he had eaten half his food and was now sucking on his thumb, sitting in the middle of the floor. I went to him and removed his thumb from his mouth. "No Harry, no sucking your thumb ok?" I told him. He just looked at me pouting and tried to bring his thumb back up to his mouth, but i pushed it down. "No." I picked him up and got his dummy off the floor. Then i washed it off and gave it back to him.

"Now, want to go with Niall, Liam and Zayn?" I asked. Harry shook his head rapidly and gripped onto me. I should've known that would've been his response. I don't know why, but he's just not the social type and does not like being around Niall, Liam or Zayn. Just me. It's either be with me, or be with no one. "Well then, wanna draw something?" I asked. Harry nodded and i took Harry into the paint/art room. I sat him down and gave him plain white paper, a coloring book, crayons, and markers. All he'll probably need. Harry lie down on his stomach and picked up the markers, starting to draw. I smiled to myself and left him to it.

Returning into the lounge, i saw Liam and Niall, happily building a skyscraper with the blocks and legos. Zayn was playing with the hot wheels and cars, on the ramps and stuff. Niall ran over to me jumping up and down.

"Daddy! Look look, Niall and Liam make skyscapor!" Niall said, mispronouncing 'sky-scraper'. I let them call me 'daddy' or 'Lou' or just my normal name. They cant really seem to figure put which name to call me, they call me all types of names. I laughed inwardly at Niall. See what i mean? So cute!

"It sky scraper Niall." Liam pouted, correcting Niall. Liam was by far the fastest learner. You could literally teach him a word and the definition once and he'd remember it the next day when you ask about it. But with Niall and Zayn they took a while. Zayn because he was really stubborn, and Niall because he basically has a short attention spend and cant sit down sometimes. He's like all over the place. Harry, well i don't know. He never talks, he just makes noises, but sometimes he's just dead silent not making a sound. That worries me sometimes. I walked over to Liam and Niall's building and admired it.

"Aw it's looks amazing guys." I said petting both their heads. I guess Zayn got jealous, because he purposely ran his car up the ramp and it came crashing down on the blocks, making it tumble down. Liam gasped and Niall looked angry.

"Zayn, you ruined Niall's sky scapor!" Niall screamed. Liam started to cry and i lifted him up, rubbing his back. I looked sternly over at Zayn.

"That wasn't nice Zayn." I stated. Zayn looked up at me, with those innocent puppy eyes he always does when he knows he's doing wrong. Just to convince me not to be mad at him.

"Zayn make mistake." Zayn whimpered. I sighed already giving in. I mean how can i be angry at a face like that? He's so adorable and has this little sparkle in his eyes, that melts my heart. Nope, definitely cant be upset with that. I went to him and petted his head. " 's okay Zaynie, just be careful next time, k?" I told him. Zayn smiled and nodded, going back to playing with his hot wheels. Liam sniffled and caressed his thigh.

"Sh, Li-Li it's okay. I'll help you build a new one, k? How's that sound?" Liam sniffed and looked up at me.


"Uh huh." I replied, running my hands through his hair. Liam's eyes brightened and he nodded. I kissed his forehead and set him down, plopping down in between he and Niall. Then we started rebuild their little skyscraper.

This is my life with my boys.

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