Chapter -8

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Louis' [pov]

Today i was going shopping for the kids. I was going to get shoes, clothes and some other things that they may need or want. Niall was quite jumpy about it, saying he wanted toys and candy and more toys. I only chuckled at his cuteness. I'm in the room, getting the baby bag ready. The baby bag is for Niall and Harry, since they're the only ones who need it. Liam was helping me put all the needed things in the bag. Like, nappies, dummies, some toys, snacks and a change of clothes in case of accidents. After getting that prepared. I went and started putting on the kids' jackets. I put them all on a beanie as well, Zayn's was dark blue, he doesn't really like bright colors, Liam had on a light grey one, Niall had on a bright orange one and Harry had on an animal beanie, he loves them. After making sure everyone was ready, we were finally heading out to the car. I buckled everyone in the car seats and seat belts, the got in the drivers seat. "You guys ready?" i asked. "Yes yes, Niall's ready!" Niall said cheerfully in his child's seat. I laughed and nodded, turning on the car and driving off.

When we made it to the store, i got everyone out. I picked Harry up, putting him on my hip and supporting him by his bum. And i grabbed Niall's hand, starting to walk into the store. When entered the store, Niall tried to take off running, but luckily i had his hand. "Uh uh babe, don't run off, i don't want you getting lost." I told him. Niall pouted and i kissed the top of his head. Then i told Liam to go get us a cart. When he came back, i let go of Niall's hand for a second to place Harry into the front seat of the cart. I told Niall to hold on to the handle, so i wouldn't lose him. I need to keep the two littlest ones near me at all times. Niall tends to get lost in stores a lot and Harry doesn't like to walk, and wont be able to keep up if he crawls. And i wouldn't want him crawling on the dirty, germy floor. I set off the to clothes section, and i was going to get Liam and Zayn's clothes first, then Niall and Harry's. When we got there, i decided on getting pants first. I know what they like to wear, so i went right to it. I let Liam go pick out his own pants, he knows his size, and i know he wont wonder off but i helped Zayn with his. Zayn would point to any clothing that he liked and i would make sure to find the same thing in his size. He wasn't big so it wasn't hard at all to find things in his size. It was an easy task. He mostly got small skinny jeans, not too tight but not too loose either, they were the perfect fit. Liam got a variety of skinnies and sweat pants and i must say, he has a good fashion sense. I even let them get new pj's, Liam got two piece woody pajamas, and Zayn got a two piece black, with dark blue strips on them.

After getting a few shirts, it was now Niall and Harry's time for clothes. I went over the smaller boys' section for them, because they were smaller. I got Niall some colorful clothes cause he just loves them. I got light blue, red, white and regular colored skinnies. Then i got red, and blue polo shirts, which seem to fit him well. I decided to get Harry only sweat pants, because he crawls a lot and i know those restricting jeans makes it hard to do so. I got him some grey ones, dark blue, black, and dark red ones. Then i got him some plain Ramones shirts to match. I felt someone tug on my shirt and i looked down to see Niall. "Daddy can Niall get toy?" Niall asked cutely. I smiled, not able stop myself. He was so cute. I nodded my head yes, and he jumped up and down cheering. I laughed. "Zayn get one too?" Zayn asked innocently, batting his eye lashes. I cooed and nodded, petting his hair. "Of course baby." I said. Liam grabbed both their hands and i gave him a questioning look. "Liam can take them. Liam is responible." Liam said, mispronouncing 'responsible'. I chuckled. "You'll watch them?" I asked. Liam nodded and i kissed his cheek nodding. Liam beamed and pulled the two boys towards the games/toy section of the market.

I turned back around and saw Harry had his thumb in his mouth, again. I quickly removed it. "Harry, what'd i tell you about that thumb?" I said. I already i wasn't going to get an answer though. Thumb sucking is very addicting, once you do it, you cant stop sometimes. I grabbed his green dummy from the baby bag, and slipped it in his mouth. Then i looked down at his hands to see him playing with a panda bear beanie. It was white and black, and on the inside of the ears it was light pink. It looked so cute. I thought it was his, but when i looked, he already had his grey teddy bear beanie on. I looked around and saw that there was a whole rack of animal beanies right beside him, he must've grabbed one off of there. I looked back and saw he was still playing with it. "You like that Harry?" I asked. He looked up from the beanie, and nodded ever so slightly and i almost couldn't see it. "You want it then Haz?" He nodded again. I smiled and kisses his cheek. "You can get another if you like." I told him. He made grabby hands at me and i picked him up, taking him out of the seat, and walked to the rack. His wide eyes scanned it, until he came across this cute little kitten beanie. It was black, and had green eyes just like him. The ears were pointy, and it had whiskers as well. I picked it up and held it out to him. He grabbed it and hugged it to his chest. I ran my hands through his hair. "Like it?" I asked. He nodded against me chest and i smiled. I placed him back into the seat and that was just when the boys came back. "Daddy, look what Niall gots!" I heard Niall yell. He ran up to me and showed me this lego city set. "Niall's gonna build a cidie!" Niall squeaked. He was slightly jumping and i kissed his temple. "Look daddy, Liam get fire truck." Liam said from beside Niall. "Liam's gonna save people lives." He smiled, admiring his fire truck set. "And Zayn get new power rangers." Zayn says, and throws it into the cart. I beam at the three and have them place their things in the cart. Once we're finally done. After checking out, we head back to the car and i buckle everyone in. While Liam helps me place the bags in the trunk. Then both get back into the car, Liam in the back with the others of course. When we got home, Niall and Zayn ran in immediately to play with their new toys. Liam stayed behind and helped me with the bags. After getting all the bags in, Liam got Harry out the car and carried him inside, setting him on the floor so he could crawl around. Then i went up to each other the boys' room to put up their new clothes neatly. I was finally finished with all of that, and decide to take a break. Making some tea, i sat at the island and listened to the joyful sounds of the kids playing, and giggling inside the other room. Their laughter always made my day, and i would do anything to hear it. That's why i try my best to keep them pleased in every way possible. I spoil them rotten, but as long as they're happy, then i don't care how spoiled they are. It is what it is.

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