Chapter -12

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Third Person pov

Some weeks have gone by, and they family have been doing great. Louis 's glad to see that the boys are all finally sta rting to get along, instead of being separated from each other. They finally act like real brothers, and it's such a lovely sight for Louis. His four sweet little hybrids spending time with each other, and haven't any fights broken out between them for a while either. This was something new, cause usually, Liam would be running to Louis about Zayn doing or saying something mean, or Niall crying because Zayn won't share, or because Liam won't let him play. Of course Harry has never came to Louis with no complaints, due to his being mute and all.

But, that was something that he had been working on for some time now. Trying to get Harry to speak. He wasn't forcing him or anything, he was just taking it as slow as he could, not wanting to push him into anything. If Harry didn't want to talk, then Louis wasn't gonna stress him over it. He was just gonna wait until the time had come and maybe Harry would speak on his own one day. Louis really hoped so, he would love to hear his baby speak for the first time. He would probably get so excited, he'd record it on his phone and make a home video of it. Louis loved making home videos, and taking pictures. It was like saving the best memories and putting them into records, so that he could always go back and relive them whenever he wanted.

Louis had been arranging to go and visit his mother for a week now. Since Christmas was coming near, and he hasn't seen her in a while. He knew she probably missed him and his kids. She adored his little hybrids, and always spoiled them to the best of her abilities. Not to mention, Louis' little sisters loved them to bits. They would have such fun playing with the hybrids, petting theme and cuddling them like real pets. They had always liked it, because they were very warm, due to them being hybrids and having a lot more body heat radiating from them. Lou is never realized how much he missed them until now, he was just occupied with taking care of his babies. But he didn't mind, he loved them with his heart and soul.

While he was doing that, meanwhile the boys are happily playing together in the play room, which all the toys they can get their hands on. There are train tracks put together in a huge oval shape, with Thomas automatically riding around the tracks, going under tunnels and over bridges. Niall and Liam are in the middle, stacking up building blocks, while Zayn is working on making the trail bigger, and Harry is crawling around, trying to catch up with Thomas, but Thomas is moving to fast for him and he has to stop from time to time, and sometimes Thomas would role past him.

Niall and Liam were having so much fun stacking up the blocks, they didn't notice it start to wriggle. But soon the blocks started to tumble down and fell all over the tracks, causing Thomas to not be able to move anywhere anymore. Harry whined, wondering why Thomas stopped and Zayn glared at Niall and Liam. "Look what you did!" he yelled, looking at the destroyed train track that he had built.

"We sorry Z!" Niall squeaked, backing away. Zayn growled, showing his teeth.

"Just move for I can fix it." He said, shooing Niall away more. It was good to say that Zayn was getting better at speaking, although he wasn't at Liam's level yet, he still talked a little better, and he too didn't even refer to himself in third person anymore. Niall on the other hand did, but Louis assured him that he'd get better one day. Niall pouted and went off to the side to play alone. While Liam poked out his lip and grabbed Harry pulling the whining kitten away, and went into their own little corner so that Zayn could fix the tracks.

While Liam tried to distract Harry from the train, and occupy him with something else so that the kitten would stop whining. Liam couldn't seem to situate Harry, but he was very restless and kept trying to crawl away. Liam had to get up and go to the other side of the room where Harry had escaped to. He picked him up, carrying him back over to their original spot. He sat Harry in his lap and Harry started to squirm, wanting out, but Liam held him there. Harry starting whining lowly again and making very small, almost inaudible noises. Liam let Harry go, and remembered something inside his cubby. He got up and sauntered over to his cubby, smiling when he spotted the sweet treats. He pulled them out, and turned around with a grin.

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