Chapter -6

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Zayn and Niall's past...

Third person [pov]

Back to the past...

Zayn and Niall are both half brothers. Half brothers who watched their parents died right before their eyes. They never saw it coming. It was a break in and they weren't prepared to take on two arms men in black. Zayn and Niall's parents wanted to protect them, therefore they took the fall for them. They died for them. They risked their lives to keep Niall and Zayn's. Niall and Zayn were left all alone, not knowing what to do. They were going crazy, crying, whining, and calling out for their parents. Too young to know what was even going on. The cops were called by the neighbors, because they had heard the shooting going on. When the cops arrived, they had to kick down the door and what they found was heart breaking. The two bodies of Zayn and Niall's two dead parents. Zayn and Niall cuddled together in the corner, scared to death. It must've been tragic for them to see their own parents go down like that. It wasn't a nice sight. Not for a two and three year old hybrid.

After their parents were taken in, they were sent to go live with their uncle. The only family that was left. They thought that everything would be ok. Going to live with their uncle and starting fresh with a new life. But they were wrong. Their uncle only took them in for the money. He would get money for taking them in, lots too, so when he got that offer, he didn't hesitate to agree. He didn't even care about them, in fact he could care less about them. Yeah, he still fed them and kept them clothed, but that was about it. He never bought them what they wanted, no christmas presents, and he didn't celebrate birthdays. He never gave them anything. Not even attention. He would even leave them home alone sometimes without a care that something bad could happen to the two. Why would he be wasting his time caring about them, when he could be doing so much more, with the money he has? He doesn't know. Which is exactly why he decided that he didn't want to stay. He came up with this little plan. The plan to save as much money as possible, making himself dirty rich, and then leave. And that's exactly what he did. He left.

One day he left to go out, saying he would be right back. But he never came back. And it only took one day for the Niall and Zayn to realize that they had been left behind. Abandon. And it also took about five days for people to notice the less activity of their neighbors. They heard the crying and whining. And the people knew that two hybrids had lived next to them. Simply a kitten and puppy hybrid. So that's when animal control was called up. They wanted to see if the hybrids were possibly being abused and wanted to get on that case right away. It was illegal to abuse hybrids, just like it was normal animals. Animal control was in charge of animals and hybrids as well. Once they arrived there, they discovered that the two hybrids were their alone. No owner, no one to watch over them, just nobody. So that day Niall and Zayn were sent to a pet shop for hybrids only. And that's where they stayed for a whole year.

That's when Louis shows up. Niall was now three, and Zayn was now four. Still inside the hybrid pet shop, having not being adopted yet. Louis came in, looking for a hybrid to take home. He was specifically looking for a kitten hybrid and the lady up front was showing him around to their best kitten hybrids. Then she came across Niall. Niall who was in a cage that was big enough for him, along with Zayn. Niall immediately caught Louis' eye. He just radiated so much innocence and life. He was cute and adorable, and Louis wanted to take him home and just cuddle with him. So Louis decided that that was want he wanted. He wanted Niall. So Louis told the girl he wanted Niall and she gave him the papers. He sighed, and she gave him information about him and told him all he needed to know. However, when it was time for Louis to take Niall home, Niall didn't want to go. He clung onto Zayn for his dear life, not wanting to be separated from his brother. He already had his parents taken away, he didn't want his brother taken away as well. Louis didn't know what was wrong, until the girl told him about how Niall and Zayn were half brothers and had a strong unbreakable bond. He did not want to be separated from his brother and Louis understood that. Which is why he decided to get them both. If one wouldn't leave without the other then he would have them both. Why not? Zayn looked just as cute as Niall did and he looked like he need love too. Everyone does. So that's the day Louis adopted both Niall and Zayn. He took them home, and promised to give them everything they needed and wanted. He knew about their past and thought it was just horrible. He wanted to make sure that they had love and had someone who cared about them. Truly cared about them, not just pretend to care just for the money. Louis didn't care about the money, he cared about them. They were his kids now and he wanted them to be ok. He was gonna give them the love and care that they deserved.

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