Chapter 3

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Hia I is alive & back hope u enjoy me lovely potatoes


~Jacks pov~

I finally got to LA the plane ride sucked ass. While I waited for Mark to get he's sweet ass here I decided to go on my phone I played a level or two of Legend of The Brofist and went on Social Media. About 10 minutes later I hear someone screaming "JACKABOY IS HERE YAAAAAAAAY!" Then I was tackled to the ground by a gorgeous blue hair angel and he was on top of me I didn't mind.

"Hi Mark I'm guessing you are happy to see me." I said while laughing my arse off along with Mark.

"Maybeeee." He said while giggling we stopped laughing and we looked into each other eyes I got so lost in them until Felix ran up to us and said with a chuckle "Woah love birds I know I said why don't you two just fuck already but we are in an airport right now if you guys didn't notice." I blushed so much and I seen Mark blushing also then he got up and helped me up.

"Oh my what a gentleman for helping me up after you tackled me." I said as a joke and everyone laughed.

"Let's go I left Matt and Ryan alone at home they might be fucking so let's ruin a moment." Mark said we laughed so hard and decided to go back to Marks place. We were walking in the parking lot then I asked "Mark how much further."

"Don't worry Jack it right there." Mark said while pointing toward a black jeep. I ran to it screaming "SHOT GUN!"

"JACK!" Felix and Mark yelled.

"What? I wanted to sit in the passenger seat next to Mark." I swear I seen him blush a bit but I brushed it off he couldn't have liked me like that... Could he? Do you think Mark likes me more then a friend? HA I BROKE 4TH WALL XD.

"Ok then have it." Felix said.

"Thaaaanks." I said.

"Boy I can't wait to see everyone again." I said with one of the stupidest smile ever mostly because I get to stay at Marks place.

~Spoopy Scary Time Skip Spoopy Scary Time Skip~

~Marks pov~

The car ride to my place and dropping Felix off at the hotel was long and kinda hard to get through (HA PENIS JOKE XD I HAD 2) because of traffic. But I kept a huge grin on my smile because Jack is staying at my place for THREE WHOLE WEEKS AND WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY AND HIS BIRTHDAY IS GOING TO HAPPEN AND VALENTINES DAY! I decided I'm going to ask Sean out for Valentines Day and tell and show him how I feel. We walked though the door and Jack yawned. Jack had the most adorable yawn EVER IT WAS LIKE A SMOL KITTEN!!! o(*^▽^*)o
"Hey kitten sounds like tired want me to show to your room." I said. Jack being adorable while rubbing his eyes said "Yeah I didn't get much sleep on the plane and jet lag and why did you call me kitten."

"Because you sound like a kitten when you yawn." I said then I booped his cute nose. "Boop."

"Hey you booped my snoop." He said sooooo cutely I can't even!

"Come on your room is next to mine usually Chica and Lego sleep in there that's why there's a doggy door. If they are too much trouble you can't sleep in my" I was nervous I fucked up and he is weirded out by me but shockingly he said with a smile and bit of blush "Ok! Uhh...Mark I just want to say...thanks so much for well...everything." Then he hugged me it was so nice he was like my missing piece.

"You're welcome. Enjoy your nap Jack I'm going to take a shower. See you when you wake up." I said and left the room to shower when I was leaving I heard him yawn again and I couldn't help but to say awwwe.

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