Chapter 7

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Hey thanks for even thinking about reading my shit er I mean story. Enjoy ^̮^

~Irish guy POV~

We walked into the club and it was dark with black lights and a lot of stuff was glowing and I looked at the girls and Rachel's eyes and hair along with Kenzie's Betsy's Haley's and Hannah's hair and they were glowing. Rachel's green, Kenz's red mixed with her aqua hair, Betsy's pink mixed with her teal hair, Haley's blue and Hannah's purple.

"HOLY SHIT THAT'S AWESOME!" Me and Mark said at the same time.

"That's so cool how did you do that?" Felix asked them.

"Well we got this special hair and body glow in the dark stuff and put it in our hair." Kenzie explained.

"Rachel's eyes are just special contracts." Betsy told us.

"We brought the stuff with us do you guys want some?" Haley asked.

"Yes! That's so cool!" Mark said in awe.

"I would love to have glowing hair!" I said excitedly.

"Same!" Felix Ken Matt and Ryan said all at once.

"Here we'll do it for you so its easier and what colors do you want we got green,blue,orange,purple,red, and pink." Hannah said showing us the bottles of goop that was glowing.

"I want green please!" I said and Rachel took the green and started to put it in my hair.

"Ewwww it feels so weird." I giggled.

"Blue to match my hair!" Mark said and Kenzie got the blue and put in Mark's hair.

"Pink! Because I'm fab fab fabulous!" Felix said while posing a bit which made everyone giggle. Haley got the pink and did his hair.

"Red because red." Ken said and Betsy got it and did his hair.

"Purple because its pretty." Matt said and Kenzie finished Marks hair and got the purple and did Matt's because the colors were similar.

"Orange since I want to be oranginal." Tried to make a joke. Hannah rolled her eyes and did got orange and did Ryan's hair.

"Really Ryan?" Rachel said but still giggled.

"Gotta admit that was clever." She added to her statement.

"So you guys came to LA just to escape the winter?" Ken asked.

"Not exactly." Rachel said blushing a tad bit.

"Rachel wanted to party like the girls in California Gurls song." Kenzie said while giggling.

"Whip cream and all!"Betsy yelled which made everyone burst out laughing.

"GWEN! BETSY!" Rachel yelled with wide eyes and a red face they just giggled and said 'what'.

"Gwen?" Felix asked.

"Gwen is Kenzie's real name. Kenzie is just a nickname." Betsy explain.

"Gwen is a gorgeous name." Matt said.

"Agreed." Ryan agreed with Matt.

"Friend!" Rachel said out of nowhere and put her arms in the air and ran over to a girl that looked like someone I knew and hugged her. They walked back together.

"This is-" Rachel started but got interrupted by me.

"Avree!" I said excitedly seeing my cousin I hadn't seen in a long while. Everyone looked confused.

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