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Niall's Pov

"I'm fucking done with that dick." I said walking into the weight room stopping in my tracks as I saw Harry working out. Shirtless. It was so hot. I snapped out of it though when I realized that he had stopped lifting and was staring at me expectantly waiting for me to go on.

"Haz, he fucking had the audacity to tell me that I was a dumbass. A fucking dumbass. I'm a dumbass?! What the hell?! That guy pisses me off. I can't stand his stupidity. Does he know how smart you and I are? He literally walked up to me and said hi and when I ignored him he looked at my homework and goes 'dumbass, the answer isn't 12 it's 11.' I looked at him like he was crazy and turns out I was right. Then after class he asked me if I could give him math help and I kicked him in the dick. And I know it hurt because everyone knows that I kick hard. Then as I walk away he grabs my ass, like he didn't get the hint, I just walked away though. But, Haz I'm serious when I say this too. I give you permission to kick his ass." I said turning on the treadmill to begin my run.

"Wait, he grabbed your ass?" Harry said clenching his fist and already getting angry.
"Yes! That hoe grabbed my awesome ass." I said as Harry started pacing.
"That's my ass." Harry said as I didn't even deny it and just agreed.

"I'm going to kill Chase." Harry said walking towards me as I increased my speed on the treadmill.
"I'm fine with that." I said before Harry kissed me and grabbed my ass.
"My ass." He whispered on to my lips as I nodded because in all honestly it was his ass.


After my run and Harry finished weightlifting I showered and Harry rinsed off as well before we got ready to go to his house. While we were walking out I saw Chase standing next to my car smirking at me. Harry dropped my hand and started walking towards him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Harry said pulling Chase away from my car and holding his shirt tightly.
"I'm just making a move on Horan since you don't have the balls to do it." Chase said as I waited for Harry's response.

"That guy over there is mine. All mine. So if you even think of grabbing his ass again or hitting on him again I will not hesitate to kick your ass. Back off before you get yourself hurt." Harry said as I smiled hearing him calling me his, he's been doing that since 2nd grade. Telling people I'm his, and honestly I don't mind it.

Chase scoffed and glanced at me before turning his attention back towards Harry.
"Whatever Styles. Just know that if you don't make your move on Niall soon someone else will." Chase said before getting out of Harry's grasp and walking off. Harry turned towards me and I smiled at him walking over to his awaiting arms.

"Thanks." I said kissing him as Harry relaxed against me.
"You'd never go out with him right?" Harry asked as I moved to unlock my door to the passenger seat.
"Chase? Hell no." I said pushing Harry into the car and closing the door before jogging over to my side to drive to his house.

"What's the rush Niall?" Harry asked sliding his hand onto my thigh as I started the car and buckled getting ready to leave.
"I was just thinking about how hot you looked working out." I said pulling off towards Harry's house.

"Yeah? Did that turn you on or something?" Harry said smirking as I tried to calm down, but him basically having his hand on my crotch did not help at all.
"Yes it did, now please move your hand." I said stopping at a stop sign.

"Not unless you say it." Harry said smirking as I started to squirm in my seat as he squeezed my crotch.
"Say what?" I whined as Harry laughed.
"You know what it is." Harry said squeezing again. I groaned before finally saying it.
"Harry, seeing you shirtless and all sweaty got me all hot and turned on." I whispered in his ear coming to a stop in his driveway.

Harry groaned before opening his door and getting out, closing the door and sprinting to my side. He opened my door as I unbuckled and he grabbed me from the car, picking me up.

He unlocked his front door and kicked it shut, sprinting up the stairs and dropping me on my bed. I sat up and kissed him as he worked on my belt buckle.
"Wait." I said standing up and double checking that I had them on before taking off my own jeans and throwing them off somewhere.

"Oh shit." Harry said as I walked over to him and took off his jeans, palming him before sitting right onto his crotch and grinding down.
"Ni, those look, great." Harry said as I smiled at him and started to take off his boxers using my feet and kissing him at the same time, a trick Louis taught me.

"I want to suck you off." I whispered in Harry's ear as he nodded quickly and I made sure the door was locked and started to suck Harry's dick. He moaned and turned me so I was sideways and he started to slip his fingers into my waistband. He took his fingers out and spit on them before sliding his fingers into my hole. I moaned around his dick as he moaned.

He fingered me as I continued to suck him off and it stayed like that until I came, Harry cumming right after.

"When you wear those panties I cum easier." Harry said as I cuddled into him, us having cleaned off already. I was wearing a pair of Harry's boxers and my shirt.

"That's the point Haz." I said kissing him and sighing in content.
"Same time tomorrow?" Harry asked yawning.
"Of course." I said falling asleep in Harry's arms.

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