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Niall's Pov

I woke up with a headache and someone laying next to me. I rubbed my eyes and stretched before sitting up and checking the clock. 5 am. I got out of bed and took my medicine and then threw a shoe at Harry to get up.
"Ow." Harry whined as I shrugged at him.

"Get up. We do have school you know." I said as Harry pulled the blanket over his head to go back to sleep.
"Don't wake me up. I could care less about school." Harry said as I ran and jumped on to him.
"If I make out with you will you get up?" I said kissing his face.

"Yes. I shall. But I need to brush my teeth before we make out." Harry said as I rolled off him and he got up and brushed his teeth. I checked my breath even though I just brushed my teeth and I sat back down on Harry's lap when he returned.

"How long do we have till your dad comes in?" Harry said kissing my neck as I checked the clock.
"Thirty minutes. Now c'mon Harry." I said pulling his face to meet mine as I kissed his lips. I kissed him slowly and gradually started to pick up speed, after at least ten minutes Harry slipped his tongue into my mouth.

Our tongues had an all out battle and we kept going at it for a long time. I glanced over at the clock and read the time 5:45. I pulled off of Harry and checked my phone, face palming as soon as I saw the date. Saturday.
"Haz you love me right?" I said as Harry shook his head yes.

"You'll still love me even if I tell you it's Saturday?" I said as Harry started laughing.
"We're so stupid." Harry whispered pulling me onto his lap as I kissed his neck.
"Yeah. And horny." I said kissing Harry's exposed chest and admiring his tattoos.
"I'm not horny." Harry said smirking at me. He was lying though.

"Yeah well your boner says otherwise." I said moving around to get comfortable. I laid my head on Harry's chest as he laid down completely and ran his fingers through my hair.
"If you're tired. Sleep." Harry said as I started to fall asleep.
"Sing to me." I said wrapping my arms around him as if he'd leave me at any moment. He wouldn't though.

"What song?" Harry said as I closed my eyes.
"Anything." I whispered.
"You and me got a whole lot of history, we could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen. You and me got a whole lot of history, so don't let it go we can make some more, we can live forever."


"What are we doing tonight?" I asked Harry as I slipped on some black joggers and a sweatshirt.
"Going out to eat and watching a movie." Harry said as I sat next to him on my bed.
"Are you buying?" I said kissing his nose.
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?" Harry said running a hand through his hair as I tied my white converse.

I smiled at Harry as he stood up and stretched my hands out for him to pick me up. He smiled and picked me up like I was a baby. I kissed him and laid my head on his shoulder as he walked downstairs. My dad had left late last night to go on a business trip and Liam and Louis had left a little before us to go eat and then come back here to hang out with us. Typical Saturday night.

Harry walked out of the house as I locked the door and made sure I had my phone and wallet. We walked to his car and he sat me down on the passengers side. He walked around and got in starting his car and pulling out of my driveway.

"Wanna go to ovation?" Harry said pulling into the parking lot.
"Yeah. Let's watch Deadpool." I said unbuckling.
"Ok. I'll get the tickets and you can go to the bathroom." Harry said kissing me as I walked into the bathroom. When I came back out Harry was standing there with two tickets to see Deadpool I smiled at him and we walked off to our theater.

I walked into the bathroom with Harry after the movie and texted Liam that we'd be home in 10 minutes. Harry said he'd meet me in the car and I finished up before walking towards the exit of the movie theater.

"Hey! Horan! What's up?" I heard someone say as I walked out the doors. I turned around and saw Chase standing at the door. I rolled my eyes and walked out the doors.
"Niall! Come one man. I said I'm sorry." Chase said as I stopped and turned around.

"Sorry for what? Sorry for always being a dick to me? Sorry for never thinking about the fact that I'm in love with Harry and not anyone else? Sorry for hurting me so badly that I ended up in the hospital? Sorry for always making me feel like shit? Or are you sorry that I'm such a whore?" I screamed at him as he stood there in shock.

"Look I really am sorry." Chase said as I turned around and left.
"Fuck off." I said before walking over to Harry's car and sitting in the passengers seat. Harry was sitting there with the music playing and I told him to drive to my house.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked as I grabbed his free hand and intertwined our fingers.
"Chase was apologizing." I said as Harry shook his head.
"What'd you say?" Harry said squeezing my hand in reassurance.
"To fuck off." I said leaning over and laying my head on Harry's shoulder.

I could've fell asleep right there but we pulled into my driveway and I let Harry get out before getting out and walking towards Harry. He locked his car and put his keys in his pocket while I stood there staring at him wondering what he saw in me.

I eventually started thinking about all the things Chase has called me and I ran over to Harry as he walked to the door.
"Harry." I said as he walked in the door. He turned around and smiled at me as I returned it. I walked in the door and shut it before jumping on to Harry and clinging to him.

"I'm not ok." I whispered into his ear as he rubbed my back.
"I'm not ok because I am madly in love with you Harry Styles."
"What's so bad about that Niall?"
"Nothing. But when you feel my heart rate pickup it's because I'm looking at you. I love you Harry, always have always will."
"I love you too Niall, more than words can explain. Always have, always will. I love you."

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