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Harry's Pov

"So we're like dating now?" Niall asked as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Is that what you want Ni?" I asked him as he closed his eyes. He smiled at me and nodded.
"Yeah, is that what you want?" Niall asked as I smiled widely at him.

"Yeah, it's what I want Niall. So badly." I said as Niall sat up in his bed. Niall had been in the hospital for the past three days, he had to stay because he started puking uncontrollably, I stayed there the whole time, and missed school, but for me Niall was worth it. We got home today and Niall has been in his bed most of the day.

Niall got up and leaned in and kissed me on the lips, kissing Niall is the best experience, I feel a shock and it feels like fireworks exploding. It's the best.
"Harry?" Niall whispered as he laid back down.
"Yeah Ni?" I said back as I texted Liam to bring me food.

"Cuddle?" Niall said scooting away and opening up his arms. I laughed and got in next to him, pulling him into my embrace and snuggling with him.
"How much you wanna bet Liam and Louis are fucking right now." I whispered as Niall giggled.

"Hey. We fucked earlier, Louis is asleep right now." Liam said standing in the door way with a McDonald's bag.
"Is he dressed?" I asked
"He's wearing a skirt and underwear but other wise, not really." Liam said sitting down next to me.
"I'll be right back." I said and kissed Niall before running into Liam's room where Louis was passed out asleep.

I walked over and grabbed his phone and opened it up to his photos. I scrolled through and found a picture that Niall sent him of me. I found another one that was him with a tiara, tutu, and panties. I slapped Louis and he woke up rubbing at his eyes.

"Harry? What the fuck?" Louis said groaning.
"Nice picture bro." I said showing him the picture.
"Give me that." Louis said glaring at me.
"Nope!" I screamed running down the hall to Niall's room. I flopped onto the bed and snuggled into Niall. Liam looked at me curiously as Louis came running in.

"Harold." Louis warned as I showed Liam the picture. Liam groaned and looked at Louis who was frozen.
"Why did I not receive this?" Liam said staring at Louis.
"I thought you'd think it was weird." Louis whispered before Liam ran over and picked him up.

"Liam!" Louis squealed as Liam set him back down.
"I'd never think anything you'd do is weird. I love you Lou." Liam said as Louis kissed him.
"Love you too." Louis whispered back.

"I still have this." I said holding up Louis' phone.
"Give it back dick." Louis said walking over.
"No thanks." I said standing up and putting his phone in my pants.
"You did not just put that in with your dick." Louis said glaring at me.
"Come get it and see." I said leaning back.

Louis ran over and tackled me onto the bed. He whispered something to Niall and next thing I know Louis is being replaced by Niall.
"Is it in your boxers?" Niall whispered in my ear.
"No. It's in that pocket you know the one I keep condoms in." I said back and Niall laughed before grabbing Louis' phone and throwing it to Liam.

"It did not touch his dick Louis, he had it with his condoms." Niall said turning so that his back was to my chest and he laid down. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck as he grabbed one of my hands to play with my fingers.

"Still disgusting Haz." Louis whined as Liam laughed and picked up Louis. He closed the door on his way out and Niall and I laid in bed for a good 20 minutes before my stomach growled.
"What's in the McDonald's bag?" I asked Niall as he grabbed it from its place on his nightstand.

"Two 10 piece nuggets and two large fries." Niall said handing me my nuggets and fries. I sat up in his bed and scotched back so that Niall could sit in front of me.


"Do you wanna have sex?" Niall said later that day, we were at my house now and my mom was out of town for a buisness trip.
"If you want to. Taking your virginity is like my dream." I said as Niall rolled his eyes.
"I'll take your virginity right?" Niall said sitting on my lap.

"Yeah. Wanna have sex with me Niall Horan?"
"Yes Harry Styles. Of course I do."


"What's for dinner?" I asked Niall later that night. Niall and I had just woke up from a much needed nap, because let's be honest, sex is tiring.
"Whatever you make me." Niall said smiling at me. I shook my head fondly at him and kissed his head before getting out of bed.

"Hey Haz?" Niall said staring at me.
"Yeah Niall?" I said walking to my closet to grab him a long sweatshirt.
"Where's your boxers?" He said giggling at me as I realized I was naked.
"I'll grab some. You want some?" I asked grabbing a pair of boxers from my dresser.

"Nah I have some panties." Niall said winking at me as I nodded. I put on my Calvin Klein boxers and threw a sweatshirt at Niall. He slipped it on while I fixed my hair.
"You coming downstairs?" I asked as Niall got out of my bed and slipped on his panties.

"Carry me?" Niall said giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah. I'll carry you, but only because your head is hurt." I said kissing him as he held his arms out so I could pick him up. The thing about Niall is, he is a kick-ass footie player, but just like Louis, he is small. Niall weighs basically nothing when I hold him and yet he's not unhealthy. He works out everyday and is ripped.
If I used one word to describe Niall, it would be perfect. Because if you say he's anything less, I'll hurt you. If you can't tell by now,

I love Niall Horan.

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