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Harry's Pov
Two months later

I ran around the house while chasing my 16 month old old son and laughed when Niall caught him and picked him up.
"I win." Niall declared taking Brayden into his room and getting him dressed.
"I win baba. I win." Brayden giggled sticking his tongue out at me while Niall went to the kitchen to make Brayden a bottle.

"You have clothes on. I don't. I win." I said picking Brayden up and taking him to the kitchen and sitting him on the counter next to where Niall was standing.
"Baba. No." Brayden said when I went to fix his hair.
"It's messy Bray. If I don't fix it mama will." I said laughing when Brayden looked at Niall and shook his head.

"I'm offended." Niall said tickling Brayden. Brayden started giggling and then jumped on to me for protection. I laughed at him and looked over at Niall who still looked tired.
"Ni go to sleep. I'll stay up with him." I said kissing Niall softly. Niall nodded and then left to go back to sleep.

"Ok buddy. What do you want to do today?" I asked Brayden who looked at me for a second before screaming out his response.
"Swim with Luke and Unc' Lou."
"Ok buddy. We'll go." I laughed picking him up and carrying him into our room where Niall was passed out asleep. I laughed at his position, he had his butt in the air and his face pressed into my pillow. I grabbed Brayden's bathing suit from our bathroom and took him into his room where I dressed him in his suit and called Louis to meet up.

"Haz?" I heard Niall say once I had Brayden all ready to go.
"Yeah baby?" I asked sitting Brayden down and walking over to Niall.
"I don't feel good." Niall said before puking all over the hardwood floor in front of my shoes. I looked over at Brayden who was looking disgustingly at Niall's puke.

"Oh babe, come here." I said walking around the puke and picking up Niall in my arms. Niall buried his head in my neck and I could feel just how hot his forehead was.
"Wanna go lay down while I clean that up and give Brayden some lunch?" I asked Niall while carrying him in the direction of the bedroom.
"Yeah. I can't sleep without you though." Niall mumbled blushing up to his ears.
"I'll lay with you after I clean that up ok baby?" I said kissing Niall's forehead once I laid him down on the bed.
"Ok, sounds good daddy."


2 months later

"Niall?!" I yelled looking around our new house for my fiancé.
"In the kitchen!" I heard Niall reply before I heard Brayden burst out into a fit of giggles. I walked in and saw Niall leaning over the counter taking deep breaths and a giggling Brayden sitting in his high chair with a bowl of yogurt on his tray.

"Hey babe?" Niall said taking deep breaths. I gave him a curious look before walking over to him and rubbing up and down his back.
"Yeah baby?" I said pressing gently on his lower back.
"My water broke." Niall said before grabbing one of my hands and squeezing it gently.

"Wanna go to the hospital?" I asked and Niall nodded looking up at me and smiling.
"Brayden we're going to the hospital baby." I said grabbing a wash cloth and wiping him off and rinsing off his tray in the sink quickly.
"Mommy." Brayden whined crying when he saw Niall not pay attention to him.
"Come here baby boy. Let baba grab the baby's stuff and we can go bye bye." Niall said calmly kissing me softly and taking Brayden from me.

"I'll be quick." I said sprinting up the stairs and grabbing our bag that had stuff for all four of us. I grabbed a blanket for Niall and Brayden and sprinted back down the stairs.
"Did you put the car seat in last night?" Niall asked walking towards the garage door and walking out with Brayden on his hip.
"Yes. I got everything for our baby." I said running over and helping Niall get into the Range Rover.

I took Brayden and put him in his seat with a fresh bottle of breast milk and turned off the lights in the house and garage. I put our bag and blankets in the back and then got into the car and drove off to the hospital.
"Niall. I'm in labor and Liam isn't awake and Luke is asleep in his highchair." Louis said on the phone from where Niall was holding it.

"I'll call Liam and how about you grab the bag and Luke's stuff and get him in the car and Liam can help you. Ok?" Niall said into the phone before whispering out curse words and grabbing my hand.
"Ok." Louis said before hanging up. Niall took his phone and dialed Liam's number.

"Hello?" Liam said sounding like he just woke up.
"Liam you ass. Your pregnant fiancé is up with your children and your one child is about to make his appearance into the world."
"Wait Louis is in labor?" Liam said getting out of bed and groaning out a curse word.
"Yes dipshit, and he was freaking out so go help your poor fiancé and meet us at the hospital so I can beat you again." Niall said before hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket.

"We're here." I said getting out of the car and grabbing Brayden and our bag. I walked around to the other side and grabbed Niall's hand and helped him out of the car and walked up to where the entrance was for labor and delivery.


"Push on your next contraction." Niall's Doctor said. Niall nodded and looked up at me.
"I want to change his name." Niall said gripping my hand tightly as he got ready to push.
"To what?" I asked looking at Niall with amusement.
"Kyson Riley." Niall said smiling up at me.
"Whatever you want baby. I picked Brayden so you can pick Kyson." I said watching Niall as he pushed.

"Welcome to the world Kyson Riley." Niall said once Kyson was wiped off and laid in his chest.
"Kyson Riley Styles born at 2:22 AM on July 4th 2016." The doctor announced.
"Keegan was born at 2:22 also." I said smiling down at our new baby boy.
"Well shit." Niall mumbled.
"Kyson weighs 10 lbs exactly and is 18 inches long." Niall's Doctor said laughing when Niall looked at him in shock.

"Keegan weighs 7 pounds and is 20 inches long." I said laughing when Niall cheered.
"You hear that buddy. We won again. My little chunk beat Liam and Louis again." Niall said cheering silently so Kyson won't wake up.
"Yeah baby. We always win." I said smirking.
"Dick sizes and all." Niall laughed kissing me softly.

" Niall laughed kissing me softly

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