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Niall's Pov

"Daddy. Wake up. We have school today." I said as Harry opened his eyes and sat up slowly.
"What time is it baby?" Harry questioned as I moved out of bed and went to brush my teeth.

"5:30. We have an hour." I said quickly brushing my teeth and walking into my closet to grab a shirt so I could do my hair. I grabbed pants too, I was wearing a white T-shirt and black skinny's with a navy opened up button down and white high tops. I quickly styled my hair and threw a book at Harry so he'd get up.

"Get up

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"Get up." I said as Harry sat up again and then walked over to his bag to grab an outfit. He went into the bathroom with his clothes and reappeared with an outfit identical to mine on and a beanie. I smiled softly at him before he grabbed his stuff and headed downstairs with me following behind.

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"Niall!" I heard Chase yell as Harry and I walked through the hallway to my personal favorite time of the day, lunch. I was starving and was looking forward to eating nachos and ice cream. Not together though.
"Fuck off." I said grabbing Harry's hand and walking to the lunch line.

Chase actually listened for once and walked off I bought my nachos and ice cream and sat down next to Harry, across from Louis, and diagonal from Liam.
"Hey Niall I have to take a piss. I'll be right back." Harry said as I nodded and he kissed me before getting up to leave with Liam to go take a piss. As soon as Harry left I saw Chase get up and he immediately headed in our direction.

"Niall." Chase said as he stood behind me. I ignored him and continued to eat my ice cream as Chase grabbed my shoulder spinning me around and forcing my head to look at him.
"Get off me Chase." I said moving his arm and turning back around. Chase gave me a look and turned me around again.
"I said get off." I said again slapping him and turning back around. Chase didn't like that and slammed my face down into my bowl of ice cream. I turned around and glared at Chase standing up to face him.

"What part of get off don't you understand?" I said shoving Chase. He stumbled but barely and looked at me with a smirk.
"Oh so you'll let Styles touch you but not me?" He said stepping closer to me.
"I mean yeah. He's my boyfriend so?" I said shoving Chase again. This time he fell not excepting me to do that and he glared at me as he stood up.

"Why would he ever go out with a whore like you?" Chase said. I slapped him again thankful that no teachers ever cared enough to stop a fight. Chase shoved me and when I walked towards him this time I kicked him in the dick. A string of 'ohhs' rang out around us but I didn't care. Chase ran and tackled me and I made sure my head didn't hit anything. I protected my head and then punched chase. Chase slapped my cheek and when I tried to get up he hit my ribs and punched me in the eye.

But it didn't stop there. Chase dug his nails into my skin with a death grip and I could feel the bruises forming. He hit my ribs again and I started to cough. Ever since I was little I've had lung issues and now I can't breathe and with Chase sitting on me its not helping. I kept coughing until I heard Louis get up and come over.

"Get off him Chase. He can't breathe. Get off." Louis said punching chase. Chase didn't care though and shoved Louis. Louis slid into a table and his skirt rose slightly. Chase hit me in the ribs again and I needed my inhaler, I couldn't breathe at all. I was coughing like I smoked 2 packs a day and I was starting to get light headed. Liam came back and saw Louis crying from hitting his head on the table and he walked over and asked him what happened.

Liam looked over in my direction and screamed for Harry knowing that he's the only one that can come and get Chase off me. Liam's strong but not that strong. Harry came sprinting in as I continued to cough. I could taste blood in my mouth and coughed it up onto Chase's shirt. My chest was tightening and I kept coughing. I couldn't breathe at all and started to hyperventilate.

Harry grabbed Chase and literally threw him off me. Chase fell into a table and Harry ran over and punched him in the jaw. He hit his nose next and shoved him into a table. Liam ran over to me with my inhaler and put it up to my mouth I pressed the button and started to try to regain my breathing. It wasn't helping and my inhaler was running low.

"Liam. Need. Other. One." I said Liam nodded and grabbed my other one handing it to me I finally got my breathing regulated but I couldn't stop coughing. Harry slammed Chase into a wall and kneed him in the dick before coming over to me and sitting down next to me.
"Ni." Harry breathed out as I kept coughing. I couldn't stop and I needed my medicine but I left it at home. The nurse didn't keep any at school anymore, I'd have to go to my doctor.

"Haz. Doctor." I said as Harry nodded and quickly grabbed my bag and carefully picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Liam grabbed his and Louis' stuff and Louis walked behind Liam quickly holding my book that I had been reading. Liam unlocked his car and Louis rode shot gun as Harry threw our stuff in the back and carefully sat in the car.

Harry stretched out and rubbed my back soothingly as I continued to cough.
"It'll be ok Niall." Harry said as I used my inhaler again.
"Hurry Liam. He's starting to get a fever." Harry said. When this happened for the first time in 6th grade I got a fever and passed out. I was hospitalized for two weeks.

We arrived at the hospital and Harry ran in having had Louis call the doctor in the car. My doctor was waiting with my medicine knowing that I would need it immediately. Harry grabbed the bottle and sat me down in a chair handing me the liquid in a cup. I drank it all and it immediately took affect. I slowly started to cool down and my coughing finished. I washed it down with ginger ale.

"You feel better?" Harry said sounding highly concerned.
"Yeah. Thank you." I said finally stopping coughing.
"Don't mention it baby. That's what Daddy's are for." Harry said winking as I blushed.
"Yeah. I love you, daddy."

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