Blood Tempered: Part 13

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Jaga Khun cursed himself for a thousand kinds of fool for the thousandth time. Why had he ever listened to that witch? That lying, murdering, overbearing Roumnan she-demon?

The patrol had turned up nothing. This time. But Jaga didn't fool himself that his men would have much of a chance finding any other imperial scouts, and he was certain that any day he would have Roumnan, Ardesh or Imperial troops coming down on him with enough force to tear Thunderhead apart. Or all three at once, considering his luck.

That she was a witch he had known before he'd ever met her. Olvera had told him that from the start. In fact, it was crucial to Olvera's plan. That she was a blood-crazed murderess hadn't been mentioned. He still couldn't shake the images of that slaughtered Imperial cohort....

There were supposed to have been put to sleep, not put to death.

He shifted his vast bulk in the saddle, stared off into the twilight, and the knowledge that he and his company had been played like a lute was a heavy burden. There was no longer any doubt that the plan he'd signed on for was no longer the plan that was being executed. That she had never intended it to be.

Jaga Khun did not like to be played for a fool. The only question was, what was he going to do about it? He had no doubt that he and his company would end up like that hapless cohort of Imperials if he was caught crossing her.

He rode on in silence for a time, mulling his options. Then decided. He wasn't happy about it, but it seemed the best choice of a bad lot.

He whistled low, twice, and Ferian, his second in command steered his horse near.

"Call in the wings," Jaga said. "There's nothing out here. Back to Thunderhead."

Ferian nodded, then kicked his horse into a canter, off to relay the orders.

There were several parties that had a stake in learning the princess's whereabouts. And managed correctly Jaga Khun believed he could rid himself of her and make a tidy profit at the same time. It was a risk. He could end up seeing all that he had built over a decade hacked to bloody pieces. But if he did nothing, she was going get him and all his men killed anyway.

Jaga Khun and his troop rode in to Thunderhead just as the sun was bleeding its life away on the horizon. Arle, his second, appeared at his side as Jaga levered his heavy bulk off the horse. Arle had been a hell of a fighter before he'd lost an arm some four years before. He'd lost it saving Jaga's life. Jaga trusted him as he trusted few others.

"Herve's wing got back a few minutes before you. They discovered two men on horseback heading in the direction of the ambush, coming from the Timors. One matched the description you gave of Olvera."

"Good. He didn't—"

"No, they weren't spotted. But something else happened while you were gone. With the witch."

"Dureg take her. Now what?"

"I don't know. Korbo and his mates took care of it. Then she called for the hedge mage."

"I'll see Korbo in my rooms then. Give me half a glass."


Korbo wasn't a fool, mused Jaga as he handed over the reins to one of the stable master's assistants. Korbo also always put Korbo first, else Jaga would have offered him a lieutenancy.

Maybe there was a way to work that self-interest to his own advantage, Jaga mused as he went to wash. Maybe it was time to try and get hold of the handle he sensed in the man's character. To get hold of it, and turn it.

Blood Tempered: Book 1 of the Sword Monk SagaWhere stories live. Discover now