Blood Tempered: Part 19

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Half a day's ride to the southwest of Thunderhead, Bulwer watched his 'master,' Ramesh Herkh, receive the imperial scout's report with an impassive face. Man servants were not supposed to be interested in such things.

The sword monk and the traitor knight had entered Thunderhead under guard. Bulwer found it interesting that the Andine had not been bound.

Herkh's party was a small one. half a dozen elite armsmen; Bulwer himself, ostensibly Herkh's manservant; and Herkh's apprentice, Velor. Herkh never paid the young apprentice much attention; he'd made it plain to all and sundry that had no interest in having or training an apprentice, and the only reason Velor was allowed to dog Herkh's every step was because the Imperial College of Magi had an iron-bound rule that all masters of the Art must take an apprentice one year in three.

"What will you do, Master?" Velor asked Herkh.

"Do? Nothing."

"Nothing?" Velor ventured. Herkh was useless as a teacher, even Bulwer could tell as much, but he did like to expound on how clever he was. Velor had learned to pick up scraps of knowledge by asking leading questions. The boy was sharper than his master, in Bulwer's opinion. But Herkh carried the Book. And the Book was Bulwer's charge and focus. The rest was just a sideshow.

"There is nothing to be done, as yet," Herkh told the boy. "The Andine may take care of the witch on his own, though I doubt a sword priest is any match for a practitioner of the Art. Even a woman. If, as is far more likely, I am required to deal with the witch, then I shall do so at a time when blame can be laid at the feet of the party the Emperor wishes to see... troubled."

"What of Olvera, master?"

"That greasy traitor is none of your concern. In any case, now is not the time to act. Fetch me wine, boy, then remove your pimpled visage from my sight so that I can enjoy it."

Velor went and did as he was bid. He made sure the spittle he added to the wine was well-mixed. Bulwer was contented that it wasn't poison and so pretended not to see.

Blood Tempered: Book 1 of the Sword Monk SagaWhere stories live. Discover now