Blood Tempered: Part 28

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Once the Roumnan army had fully invested Thunderhead, Ramesh Herkh ordered his camp moved to within sight of of the tottering fortress. It would increase his chances of being discovered, but he had spells of concealment and distraction at his disposal to keep any Roumnan scout from stumbling upon them. The same spells would likely be less effective against the witch, but Ramesh Herkh had every confidence she would be sufficiently distracted by the wolves howling at her door, and oblivious to the lion in the distance.

He chose a slight rise due west of the fortress's gates, a hundred yards behind the Roumnan camp.

"Aren't we rather close to the Roumnans, master?" asked the annoying, pimple-faced apprentice. What was his name again? Velmar? Vomit? Ramesh Herkh cuffed the boy.

"No, you idiot. Any of them who look upon this spot see exactly what I want them to see, which is nothing. More, they feel a subtle yet unshakable urge to go anywhere but this spot. Now go and pick at your blemishes or something equally suited to your intellect, and do it out of my sight."

Ramesh Herkh stood, back straight and Book under one arm, and watched the show unfolding before him. Once the battle was joined, he would have ample opportunity to work his emperor's will. Having the Roumnans slay their own princess would end the threat to the Empire, certainly, but that morning's scout report had unveiled another player who would soon join the game, and offer an even greater opportunity for the fortunes of his beleaguered empire.

Ramesh Herkh was content to forgo the low-lying fruit, and wait for the main chance.

Bulwer, Ramesh Herkh's 'manservant,' surreptitiously checked each of his concealed knives, and the garrote sewn into his sleeve. He did not like the Book being so close to soldiers of a foreign army. As for his 'master', well, Ramesh could go and fall on a Roumnan pike as far as Bulwer was concerned. He had never, in all his years as an Imperial agent in service to the College of Magi, been tasked with guarding a Book whose bearer was such an insufferable ass.

Blood Tempered: Book 1 of the Sword Monk SagaWhere stories live. Discover now