Blood Tempered: Part 27

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Anya turned away from Caida's retreating form to address the mercenaries crowding the courtyard.

"Defenders of Thunderhead," she said in a loud, carrying voice, "Andos's disciple has offered me wise counsel. He is right, and I am in the wrong. Very well. Listen then, you killers; I will say this only once.

"Outside the western gate camps a Roumnan army. They want to come in. Do not let them until I tell you. That is the sum total of what I expect from you."

"For how long?" came a voice from a crowd near the stables.

"Two, perhaps three days."


"Why does not concern you. I will however tell you what we are waiting for. In two or three days, the Ardeshi cavalry will arrive."

"And then what?" Jaga asked her, eyes keen though his face was placid.

Anya returned his gaze, and let the moment stretch.

"And then we let them kill each other," she finally replied.

~ ~ ~

A few minutes before sunset a lone Roumnan herald finally walked up to the gate, blew three harsh notes on his short brass horn, and in a booming voice that carried an impressive distance announced his commander's will.

"Those in the keep known as Thunderhead have until the sun leaves the sky to produce the Lady Anya, daughter of Prince Crechney of Roumney, demi-princess of Thrull and Ardent and Cos-upon-Tambra. Once the sun's light has left the sky, every living soul inside will be put to the sword. There will be no quarter."

Inside Thunderhead, his voice echoed across the courtyard. All eyes turned to Anya, who was still working on her arcane circle. She waved her hand distractedly, intent upon her work.

Finally Jaga broke the silence.

"They say they want you outside the gates before it gets dark, or they'll kill us all," he said to her in a conversational tone.

"Open the gate and I'll open your head," she replied without looking up.

"Just passing along the message," he said mildly. Then he turned to his troops and said "Boys, get ready for hell!"

His men replied with a few chuckles and many more curses. But Jaga could tell they were steadier now, since they knew they had only two or three days to hold out.

Jaga himself didn't believe it would be so easy. He was half-convinced the witch was lying through her teeth about the Ardeshi cavalry coming, and even if she was right, he couldn't see how they would end up slaughtering the Roumnans, or vice versa.

"Get ready for hell," he whispered again, but hell didn't come that night. Once full darkness had fallen the herald blew two more blasts on this horn and walked with a distinct lack of ceremony back to the Roumnan camp.

Hell was coming; but first, apparently, it was content to get a good night's sleep.

Blood Tempered: Book 1 of the Sword Monk SagaWhere stories live. Discover now