Blood Tempered: Part 23

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A few minutes later Jaga, Stench and the witch stood in Jaga's hall. Jaga was livid. Anya was all icy reserve. Stench was drunk, and indifferent.

"Five thousand Roumnan troops are investing Thunderhead as we speak, They have siege weapons. The fortress will be breached sooner rather than later, and we do not have anything like sufficient numbers to repel them once they're inside the walls. What exactly do you suggest we do, Lady Anya?" Jaga clenched and unclenched one meaty fist as he spoke.

"Do?" replied Anya. "Do nothing. Hold Thunderhead until I say otherwise."

"Hold? For what? For how long? Are we expecting reinforcements to magically appear? What is your plan, princess? For all of my men to be slaughtered?"

"You do not need to know my plan. You only need to do as I say, and all will be well. And I say 'hold'."

"This is madness. When they come to parley–"

"When they come to parley, you may tell them anything you like. But anyone who attempts to open the gate to them, I will kill. Spectacularly and excruciatingly. Do I make myself clear?"

Jaga made no reply, but lumbered off, fists clenched tight, to prepare his defenses. Such as they were.

Blood Tempered: Book 1 of the Sword Monk SagaWhere stories live. Discover now