Blood Tempered: Part 26

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Caida began walking towards her. Armsmen on the narrow stairs squeezed against the wall to let him pass. He wasn't sure why he had decided to intervene.

"Oh?" she said.

"Yes. You hired killers, and you treat them like children. Or slaves. You set them on your enemies blindfolded and shackled. If you persist, they will fail you, and it will be your fault."

"You dare talk to me this way, sword monk?" Now the unfelt breeze was a storm, whipping her hair into a copper-sparked fury.

"I speak the truth. However much you dislike that truth, it does not cease being true. Who speaks the truth makes no difference." He reached the side of the sorcerous circle opposite her. A few steps lay between them.

"I could kill you where you stand with a whispered word," she said, low enough that only he heard it.

"I could part your head from your shoulders before you finished that word, Lady," he replied just as quietly, "but never would I do such a thing."

For a moment the hellish coals of her eyes burned hotter; then the fire died along with the spectral storm that blew around her. She smiled.

"I believe you," she whispered.

He felt a bitter, painful smile twist his mouth. "And so, if you decide to kill me, it will be out of my sword's reach."

"You misunderstand me, brother. I mean that I believe you when you say I have led these men badly. I thank you for your counsel." And she curtsied, deep and formal, as royalty never does.

Caida made a simple, shallow bow in return, as was his order's way, and walked off blindly towards anywhere that was away from her.

Blood Tempered: Book 1 of the Sword Monk SagaWhere stories live. Discover now