Blood Tempered: Part 14

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"I have no doubt that you and your two shadows are planning to break your contracts," Jaga Khun said without preamble as soon as Korbo entered the room. "You want away from the witch. I'll let you have the second, at least temporarily, but not the first."

Korbo Dogrun feigned surprise. He'd decided outrage was pushing it too far. "Such a thought never—"

Jaga raised a meaty, bejeweled hand. "Don't insult me. And don't interrupt me." He waited while Korbo settled his worn, less than handsome features into a mask of patient attention, then resumed.

"You can see which way the wind blows better than most. Tell me, if you had to make odds on this company existing in a month, what would they be?"

Korbo considered, then decided to tell the truth. "Two hundred to one."

"Done," said Jaga, and flipped him a gold solis. Korbo snatched it from the air.

"That's a year's service if I win, Dogrun."

"More like three. If I was mad enough to accept the wager."

"Not at a lieutenant's pay. I'm not giving you a choice. And don't imagine you can outrun this debt as you did in Ardesh. Now tell me what happened with the witch this morning. All of it. And after, I have a job for you and your two sword-mates that will get you out of Thunderhead, at least for a little while. Now sit. And start talking."

Bemused, Korbo sat. And told Jaga almost everything that had happened with the witch. After, he and Jaga talked for nearly an hour. When they were done, he went to go find Augin and Mung. They had a job to do.

He wondered how Jaga would take it when he realized Stench had gone along with them. Imagining, Korbo broke into a smile. Then he thought how the witch might take it, and his smile disappeared.

Blood Tempered: Book 1 of the Sword Monk SagaWhere stories live. Discover now