(One-shot) Backwards Jealousy [11.]

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Misaki disregarded the plans of Usami driving them home and decided that they should just take the subway home like they usually do. He was walking faster than usual and his long strides were making it harder for Akemi to keep up. She was growing frustrated with every step.

"Stop!" She yelled. She leaned on her knees huffing. Misaki walked towards her feeling guilty at her crouching form.

"Sorry, was I walking too fast?"

She looked at him disbelievingly while still trying to catch her breathe.

"You think?! What's wrong with you, why are you walking so fast, and why did you immediately cut Usami like that?"

Misaki sighed. "Akemi, can't we just go home? I don't want to talk about this now, not here."

Akemi looked around her and saw that there was barely anyone on the sidewalk. He was being odd and ridiculous.

"No." She said flatly.


"'No, because you're being an asshole. What you said back there was unnecessary." She said sharply, interrupting him.

"You always laughed at my jokes about him, why does it bother you now?" He said eyeing her. His vibe was off and his eyes were cold.

"Because it just didn't seem right! It didn't make sense!"

Misaki sighed, that dramatic sigh he does when he's frustrated.

"You don't get it, do you?" His voice raising in annoyance.

"I'm afraid not."

"He's after my brother."

Akemi paused, deciphering his words. Then her eyes grew wide, as she came into realization of his sentence.

"You mean-"

"Yes!" Misaki exclaimed. Akemi didn't say anything and let Misaki continue.

"Do you remember the first time we visited his apartment and I read one of his BL novels, well that's why I was upset, and still am. It has Takahiro in them." Misaki slurred out Takahiro's name in disgust. Not at his brother, but at the memory still ingrained in his mind.

Akemi didn't know what to say. She couldn't deny that it was odd. And she remembered the first day she laid eyes on Usami, and he was pushing himself against Takahiro's. It all made sense. She never did open one of his BL novels, she didn't need too; she knew what was contained in them. But she never figured he was into it. And yet, why was this bothering her. This was bothering her differently than how it was bothering Misaki. Akemi's eyes flickered into melancholic ones. It's was very apparent to Misaki. His face softened.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. And I know you have no reason to hate him. But that's just it."

Akemi looked at Misaki. His was looking sideways, but his face was serious and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't like seeing you talking to him. It bothers me."

Akemi's heart suddenly thumped against her chest. It made her jump. Misaki smoothed his hair with his hand while looking at the ground. Silence grew between them, with only the sounds of traffic passing by them.

"Just please know it bothers me." Misaki raising his head up. His eyes saddened, and his face red. Akemi's heart ached, he rarely gave her such a pleading look. But this one was different. She knew the feelings behind such a face, and she believed he knew. But neither said a word. Akemi swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Ok." She said quietly. Misaki nodded and turned around swiftly.

"Now come on, we gotta go."

For some reason, Akemi felt like crying more than ever, but not tears of joy. She was left in more confusion, and more disappointment. He 'confessed,' and yet it felt like she was more at the starting line, than being halfway there.

They were going even more backwards than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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