Love sucks [2.]

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Akemi slowly wakes up to the sounds of early birds.

"Darn birds. Can they be any more quiet?" She grumbled out as she made her way to the bathroom to get ready for school.


"Honey, you better start hurrying up. You don't wanna be late again." Akemi's mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Akemi hate the way her mom dragged out the word "again," to imply how many times she has been late. Akemi annoyingly looked at her alarm clock, the clock read seven o' clock.

"Geez, when did it get so late!" Akemi shouted as she brushed the knots from her hair as quickly as possibly.

Akemi bolts down the stairs. Akemi's mother was used to this routine and waited beside the door with her arm holding out Akemi's bento waiting patiently for Akemi to dash out the door and quickly grab her lunch. Akemi stole a piece of toast from her dad's hand that he was almost about to put in his mouth.

"Hey!" Akemi's dad shouted, but she was already out the door before he could say anything else.

"You really need to wake up your daughter earlier." The dad said angrily shuffling his newspaper. He was mad at the thought that his last piece of toast was taken, more like stolen before he got a chance to bite into it.

"Oh please Takumi, she's your daughter too. Besides, I'm not the one who got warped into those puppy eyes of hers and decided to buy her that Itouch that she just had to have." The mother retorted sharply.

"Akemi said she needed it for school! She wouldn't play me for a fool! I trust my own daughter." The dad said, smiling triumphantly.

"Uh huh, yeah." The mother sarcastically mumbled as she turned around.

Akemi makes it to the school before the bell rings. She happily slides the door and lets out a heavy sigh as she walks in her now busy class.

"Yes, I made it. Maybe I shouldn't spend some much time listening to my music." Akemi said aloud as she placed her bag on her desk.

"Why do you always talk to yourself in the morning Akemi-chan?" Misaki asked as he was standing behind her.

"I don't know why, I just do-" Akemi said as she turned around to meet Misaki's face. Only to find that their bodies were kind of close. Akemi started to blush.

"You okay Akemi-chan? Your face is red, and your kind of tense. Which is odd." Misaki implied while putting a hand on Akemi's forhead. "And your kind of warm, are you sick?" Misaki again implied. This only worsened Akemi's now high blood pressure. Akemi stood still with a blank expression. Misaki waved a hand in her face to snap her out of her trance.

"Oi, Akemi! You in there?" Misaki inquired.

"Huh? Uh, yeah. I just didn't have any breakfast this morning because I didn't want to be late." Akemi stated. Which was partially true.

Misaki smiled. Oh God, that smile. Why did he have to show that dashing smile of his, Akemi thought to herself.

"I see, so that's why. Well next time eat something. Don't want you passing out on me." Misaki smiled again.

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