Plans Change [7.] (Usami's Prologue)

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    The reiterating sounds of a doorbell resonates the condo. Eventually the melodic sound becomes more ferocious, and eventually, annoying. Usami groans in his sleep. He moves lazily under his satin sheets that are covering his irritated face, among with his pillows and Suzuki, his teddy bear. Soon enough the ringing stops and the stomping sounds of enraged footsteps barricade his door.

 "Usami-san! You're late on your deadline!" Screamed an angry Aikawa.

Usami slowly rose from his fort of layered sheets and sent a menacing glare towards the crazed woman. It did not faze her. Instead, she shot him a more psychotic one right back at him. Her hands were placed at the side of her hips. She swayed to her side, impatiently tapping her foot. 

"Well? What's your excuse this time?" Aikawa challenged.

Usami's eyes grew even darker. "I'd like if if you could leave me the hell alone, so I could get some sleep." Usami replied.

Aikawa's eyes twitched in frustration, but nonetheless she held her composure. Even though she was used to these kind of quarrels with her boss, it irked her greatly. Aikawa sighed deeply and plastered on a sinister smile that revealed her veins. 

"Usami-san...get the hell up."

And with that she slammed the door, causing all the Suzukis' to fall from his disheveled bed. Usami rubbed her forehead tightly and got up. He couldn't win. 

'Why did I ever give that woman a spare key....' He thought regretfully.


Downstairs, Aikawa pulled the manuscript promptly from an orange folder. She eyed it and sighed, placing it on the coffee table carefully. 

"Any reason why it wasn't finished Usami-san?" Aikawa pried while Usami poured himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen; he didn't answer. Whenever Usami didn't finish his manuscripts that mean that Aikawa's job was on the line as well. But something seemed different today, or rather, Usami seemed different. More importantly, what was that lingering smell coming from the other other room. 

Aikawa rose up from the couch and swiftly followed the smell, sniffing her nose as she did so. It wasn't a horrendous smell, but it was faintly obvious. Aikawa peered around the hallway and saw an immense mess. It was everywhere. Blankets sprawled, pizza boxes left opened, plastic wrappers with crumbs trailing from them, heck even the tv was left on. Aikawa gleamed at the afterimage. She was in complete awe. One, because Usami wasn't the type of man to leave a mess, especially a mess like this. He hated leaving food out and about; it was one of his pet peeves. And two, he loathes having company over, especially her. So why did it seem as though there was a shindig. He wasn't even a party man at that! Aikawa left the scene, perplexed, and went back to the living room.

Usami was working on his manuscript without saying a word. He was being oddly...quiet, and still at that; like a calm storm. Aikawa importantly took note of the bags under his eyes. The look on his face meant something happened last that very room. Aikawa shifted her body towards Usami, who didn't even notice her presence. It was like he was in his own world; like a zombie. The oddity of his well-being unnerved her.

"Ahem!" Aikawa lightly coughed out. Usami still didn't move.

"AHEM!" Aikawa emphasized once more. Usami slowly rose his head with dead looking tired eyes. It somewhat made her flinch. 

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