We meet again, stranger [3.]

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Akemi slowly awakened again to the sound of birds chirping away as usual. The sun was streaming in through the curtains. Akemi could take a guess that it was around nine-ish, or something like that. She slowly raised herself up. She felt so dizzy. It finally dawned on her that she had cried the whole night and slept on wet tears and on a wet pillow. She saw her face through the mirror, since her dresser was right across the room. She looked like a total mess, she thought. Her hair was sticking up in all places, puffy red cheeks, and swollen eyes. Seriously, it would've looked like she had a hangover. She also noticed that she was still in her school uniform. Akemi rose up, but took baby steps since she was still was dizzy. She felt yucky all over and wanted to cleanse herself from yesterday. Perhaps a shower would make her forget everything that happened yesterday. Ha, I wish, she said aloud. Even her voice sounded raspy.


Akemi peeked through the window. Had it always been this beautifully sunny, its so pretty, she thought. After admiring the beautiful day, she lied down and looked up at the ceiling. For a beautiful day, it sure was hot, she thought again. Which is why she decided to wear a white casual dress that covered half of her knees, but not too slutty either. Akemi's mother had been itching for her to wear it. "Why not." Akemi thought. Besides, it was really hot outside. She had shorts, but she wanted something breezy.

Akemi got bored of looking at the ceiling, and decided to flip to the left side to look at her desk. She thought of her homework, and realized that she just had to do some English homework to see. Akemi saw no point in having such a useless assignment since she wouldn't be going to America anyway. She sighed and decided she would do it later around noon. All these thoughts of homework reminded her of college. She had totally forgotten about it. Perhaps Tokyo University. Nah, she's always had her mind set on going to Mitsuhashu University ever since she was little. It's been her and Misaki's dream to graduate high school and go to the same college together. Then again, you have to have high grades to get accepted in M-University. Akemi sighed at her loss, wishing there was some other way for her to get smarter. Eventually she started getting bored. She looked at her clock, it read 9:40. Wow, how time flies, she thought. Akemi was just about to flip over to other side until her cell vibrated. She immediately shot up surprised, and got up to see who could be wasting her time. It better not be a chain mail, Akemi thought.

....Oh crap.....

Akemi grumbled a sigh so loud her mother asked her if she was on her cycle when she walked past her room. Akemi rolled her eyes and ignored her. The text was from the guy she least expected, the guy that Akemi's heart cried out to but was never answered, the guy who was a COMPLETE nugget to love. Yes, it was him, none other; Misaki Takahashi. Akemi finally got over herself and decided to read the text. The text read:

[Hey Akemi-chan, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we won't completely fail, and still have a chance to get into M-University. Our tutor is one of my brother's old class mates, so he'll tutor us FOR FREE. The bad news is that the person who is tutoring us is the same person who got all yaoi on Takahiro. Remember? Ugh, he churns my butter. Anyway, we have a last chance pitch effort. I wanna do this for my bro, but I also don't wanna do this without. Whaddya say, Akemi-chan?]

P.S. I promise I'll bring sweets to the tutoring session to make it less boring. Please say yes, I need you (>__<)

sent: 9:41am

Akemi Closed her phone and let out another deep sigh. Three things she hated yet loved about this text. 1) a free tutor, 2) sweets will be brought, AND paid for, and 3) Misaki used those words that any girl would be lucky enough to hear; I need you. "Why me?" Akemi asked her herself. Akemi knew what she had to do, but hated it. Akemi hesitantly texted back with optimism.

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