Reference for the Siblings

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Austin Spencer Starling 3 youngest

Does soccor

Hates school

Doesn't pay attention to girls

Loves popcorn and steak

Principals office few times

Built strong broad

Fav navy blue


Blond side swept hair

Big bright blue eyes

Dylan Xavier Starling 3 2nd youngest

Straight A student

Loves video games

Nerdy but looks good

Never thought of girls

Likes memorizing

Loves pork and almonds

Loves basketball

More skinnier frame

Loves orange


Brown flipped hair

Green emerald eyes

Avery Leona Starling 3 3rd youngest

Has lots of friends: including Breonica Skyler

Hates boys


Likes unicorns

Big love for horses/ponies

Loves school teachers

Teachers pet

Loves Kelly beans and tuna

Loves light pink


Dark brown almost black hair

Brown eyes

Alexia Gwen Starling 7 4th youngest

Does gymnastics

Loves to pretend to be a grownup

Loves barbies

Loves babies

Loves green beans and candy

Loves purple

Loves the summer

Loves swimming


Dark brown long curls

Hazel eyes

Carter Patrick Starling 12 5th oldest


Loves food

Chicken wings and potato chips fav food

Loves puzzles

Loves football

Loves outdoor work

As in raking shoveling

Loves horror movies/stories

Loved red


Brown shaggy hair

Blue eyes

Cody Brady Starling 12 4th oldest

Loves monster trucks

Loves making art

Loves cars

Loves peaceful places

Hates horror stories

Fav food tofu and sushi

Loves building things

Loves yellow


Brown shaggy hair

Blue eyes

Kendra Alese Starling 18 3rd oldest

Secret mermaid

Loves softball

Loves pasta and chocolate

Loves shopping

Loves the beach

Loves swimming

Loves typing

Likes office work

Loves games

Loves light blue


Light brown hair blond highlights

Brown eyes

Brooke Tiffany Starling 18 2nd oldest




Loves attention

Loves hot pink

Spreads rumors

Is Nice inside

Always looks good

Loves shopping for her

Animal lover


Dark brown medium curls

Pale face

Hazel eyes

Quinn Stella Starling 20 Oldest



Loves lime green

Loves spaggetti and fruit

Loves carnival rides

Always trying to be good

Loves the stars

Loves make up

Nice to everyone

Loves motor cycles


So here Is a reference so look back if you need to. :)

Tell me if it is helpful

There is a lot of kids so ya

After my Normal Life By Cashergirl Book 2Where stories live. Discover now