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She was a smart girl with a loud mouth.

She was an only child born in the south

Told me how her mother got hitched eagerly

Soon as the news hit about her father among the casualty

She had a step father she loathe

who hurts her and her mother both

years passed that she cried in the field

until one rainy night she finally yield

She ran without looking back

From a life, where being alive she lacks

She rode a train to the city

On one frosty night she met me

I asked who is she

with pale lips she said Sophie

I didn't remember much after

but this I do remember

The way she pushed my hand up her skirt

Is not the way normal girls do for fun or flirt

She was but another girl, but she's not just another name

Sophie if she stayed with me, she would've been my dame

But one summer humid night

I came home with the door and windows tight

her things were gone

and the more I discover the more I become undone

She was but another girl

but she was more than just a name to scream

as I reach the climax of an orgasm

she was more than just a girl who fills my cup to the brim

as vodka mixes with her grim sarcasm

Sophie if you stayed with me

You could've been the one I marry

But Sophie your spirit is free

I couldn't tie you down, you're gone before it hit me

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