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(Play music as you read. If you want that is!)

I know you get tired of reading this but, I DO NOT OWN SOUL EATER.

I wish I did though, but I was young back when they created it.

(Y/N)'s POV

You throw your last suitcase into the back of the taxi. My gosh was that bag heavy!

"(Y/N)!!! HURRY UP I WANNA SEE THE ACADEMY BEFORE I GROW OLD PLEASE!" Your weapon (a katana), Tiffany yells through the taxi window.

She twirls a strand of her vibrant green hair around her finger as she holds back her giggles at watching you attempt to carry all the luggage into the trunk.

The scruffy male taxi driver rolls his eyes and waits impatiently whilst you practically run to the car.

"Alright, I'm done. No biggy at all! Just that I HAD TO CARRY ALL THE BAGS TO THE TAXI. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? IT'S FINE-"

"Any day now. I have a job to do," The taxi driver grumbles, tapping his fingertips against the wheel.

Why must I always get the annoyed taxi drivers!? You thought in your head.

You simply roll your eyes at his unexplainable attitude and join Tiffany in the backseat of the car.

"Off to the D.W.M.A, please!! I hope there's a lot of cute guys there!" she squeals.

"I doubt it," you grumble.

(Ohhh, what a surprise you were in for.)

The taxi drives away from the condo that the two of you used to live in, and off to your new academy and home.

37 minutes later (Kid: DAMMIT IT MUST BE EIGHT!)

*38 minutes later (Kid: Thank you (T_T) )

The vehicle finally pulls up to a very large staircase, that leads up to an astonishing looking academy.

"Finally, we arrived (Y/N)! Ah! Look at the building! This place sure is cool!" Tiffany cries out.

You merely nodded, silently agreeing with her statement. You pull all your things out of the taxi trunk and slam it shut. Preparing to make your way up the rather large steps.


You turn around to see the taxi with his palm out waiting for a tip.

"HELL NO! With that disgusting attitude that I had to put up with, I'M EVEN SURPRISED THAT I PAID THE FAIR!" You state angrily at him.

He was rude. If anything he doesn't even deserve to be paid.

He mutters curses under his breath and speeds away, creating dust in his tracks. Causing you to cough and wave your hand in front of your face to rid the smell of exhaust.

What a jerk! Next time I'll just walk...

WHO AM I KIDDING? I'LL JUST GET A RENTAL NEXT TIME! You thought as you giggled at the last idea.

You shrug it off and continue your way up the steps with Tiffany when you are Ridley stopped in your tracks.


"Ooh! Looky! Look up there (Y/N)!" Tiffany points toward a red spike at the top of the academy.

"Hm. It looks as if there is a person standing on top of there." You say as you use your hand to shield your eyes from the sun while looking up towards the sky.

His Star: Black Star x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now