Chapter 17

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This chapter sure is gonna be a doozy to write.

Votes and comments are always appreciated, and let me know what you'd like to see next! DON'T BE A SILENT READER YALL.

Onward! From where we last left off in the previous chapter!

Black Star's POV

"Black Star! Hey, wake up! Wake up-"

A voice kept yelling, urging me to open my eyes, move a limb, or at least do something and wake up.

I groggily open my eyes, as I was staring up at the wooden mahogany ceiling. I slowly, yet surely, went to go push myself into a seated position. My abdomen paining me in the process.

"Ugh..." I grunt, rubbing the giant bruise on my body.

"Black Star! Something terrible has happened! But other than that, are you okay? Does your head feel a bit better? " A feminine voice asks me. I turn my head, expecting the person of the voice to be (Y/N), yet it was Tiffany.

"Tiffany?? What are you doing!? Didn't Dr. Stein said for you to not revert back to your human form? Change back! What if (Y/N) sees-"

Tiffany's worried brown eyes don't meet mine, as she hesitates to say something to me, but eventually opens her mouth, "That's the problem... She's not here."

I furrow my brows in confusion, regretting to question further, curiosity gets the better of me as I ask, "W-What do you mean? Who's not here?"

Tiffany roughly grabs a hold of my shoulders, her eyes finally looking into mine as I sense sorrow and pain from them. "I need you to be calm. We all need to be rational here, but (Y/N) has been taken by the Afreet. She obtained a slight injury, so she wasn't able to fight back. But as you were unconscious for the past few minutes, Maka came and went after them! She'll definitely put a stop to his plans...-"

Tiffany went on and on about how (Y/N) was taken away, and what happened in the meantime of Kid and I being out of it for a while. She also mentioned how Kid too, managed to wake up a few minutes after me. But I immediately tuned it all out after hearing about the Afreet escaping with (Y/N).

It was almost as if the temperature around me went rigid, goosebumps scattered across my arms. My once lively green eyes, have most likely gone completely dull and cold.

"B-Black Star, I know how you're feeling. If anything it's harder for me than for you-"

"So why didn't you do anything..."

"H-Huh? Black Star, what are you talking about--"

"Why didn't you do anything!? Weapons are supposed to protect their meisters, and you did exactly the opposite!" I bark loudly, shoving her grip off my shoulders and making a sturdy attempt to stand on my feet.

"Black Star! It's no one's fault in this situation. Don't go blaming it on anyone! Especially Tiffany, she's been sperated from her meister," Tsubaki says from the reflection of the sword, a slight frown adorning her features.

"How do you think feel!? This isn't part of the plan!" I exclaim loudly.

Kid places a palm to his head to feel for any wounds, questioning, "What's all this commotion about?"

Tiffany cries out, hot tears dripping down her face, "(Y/N) has been injured and taken away by the Kishin! I insisted on changing back, but she told me to trust her, and stay put! I was overwhelmed and-- and now she's gone!" She exclaims, wiping the fallen tears from her eyes with a sniffle.

His Star: Black Star x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now