Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 is up! Enjoyyyy! (The first few chapters are pretty short, but it gets better in length later, I promise!)

Don't forget to vote and comment on what you think!

Onward with the story!!

Black Star's POV (omigoodness my baby)

Ever since that (Y/N) girl came to D.W.M.A with her weapon, I always had the urge to be around her more. She's beautiful, sassy, and I can tell that her power is like no other. (But mine is obviously better!)

She's got quite the attitude might I add. No one should show attitude to their god!

But today is finally the day, the day where I finally fight her!

Hopefully, it doesn't end up like how it did when Soul and I attempted to take on Kid in a fight.

Keyword: attempted.

I went home with a headache that day along with Tsubaki scolding me all the way home.

Something I'd definitely NOT wanna relive again. She kept talking and talking, that for once I was bored.

"So (Y/N), are you willing to duel with the greatest god to ever walk the planet? The most handsome guy you'd ever lay eyes on? The-"

I was rudely interrupted when (Y/N) runs at me with her katana swinging close to my abdomen. One wrong move and I would've been in the hospital.

"Even in her weapon form, Tiffany is still symmetrical as ever!" Kid gushes gingerly, as he stares in awe at the weapon in (Y/N)'s hand. Patty giggles.

I dodge each swing (Y/N) aims at me.

"Wow (Y/N), who would've thought as you to be the type to play dirty?" I gasp sarcastically.

She simply rolls her eyes, as she jumps back a safe distance away from me so that she can take a quick breather and fully analyze me.

"Let's just get this over with! I'm hungry!" Patty whines.

"Tsubaki! Transform!" I yell. I easily catch her and jump forward into the air.

And so the fight begins.

~MANY SLASHES, HITS, AND WOUNDS LATER~ (Cause yall know I can't write a fight scene for shittt)

(Y/N)'s POV

Let's just put this easily.

The fight ended as quickly and easily as it had first started.

You happily step over Black Star's slightly unconscious, twitching body.

Yup! That's right ladies and gentlemen! You did the 'impossible' and managed to beat the "god", without barely a scratch on your body.

Tiffany and Tsubaki transform back into their human forms.

"You're a great fighter (Y/N)! It was an honour to face off against you and Tiffany!" Tsubaki complimented as she walks up to you two. She holds her hand out, asking for a friendly shake.

"Thanks, Tsubaki!" You smile at her, as you accept her hand into yours and shake it.

Kid immediately runs up to Tiffany (in a symmetrical matter which was hilarious to watch. His running reminded you of the guy 'Fix-It Felix!').

"I thought you were great Tiffany!" Kid says breathlessly to the blushing weapon shifter.

"Thank you-" she says but you interrupt.

His Star: Black Star x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now