Chapter 18

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I don't watch Soul Eater anymore, but you guys deserve an update at least! I apologize if this chapter wasn't what you were expecting or wasn't fluffy! All that will be in the next one.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was late in the night, and you were wide awake. Alone with your thoughts.

A surge of anger and confusion washes over you for no particular reason. Which leaves you questioning, 'Just exactly what happened in the past few hours of the time I was unconscious?'

A knock on the door pulls you away from your pondering.

You hear the voice of your weapon, "(Y/N)... It's me, Tiffany. I was just checking in to see if you were alright...?" She asks, cautiously opening the wooden door, standing good lengths away from you.

You immediately sit up from your bed and stare at her with your new found red eyes. "I'm fine. What do you want? You're bothering me right now." You mutter, frowning at the girl with a cold glare. It wasn't a question when you asked for her reasoning in your room, but more like a demand.

"Hate...? This must be the madness Lord Death was talking about...!" Tiffany absentmindedly states she avoids your gaze with worried eyes, reaching for the doorknob and slamming your door shut. Not without locking it of course. Because who knew what you could do in the current state that you were in?

Tiffany races outside, and heads towards the D.W.M.A in a hurried manner. Pulling out her flip phone from her back pocket and dials Lord Death.

She had the nerve to lock you in your room as if you were mad or unstable. Which angered you even more.

You immediately storm out of your bed, and start pounding on the door, "The hell was that!?! What do you think you're doing!? Open the door!" You yell furiously.

You waited a few minutes to see if she would come back and open the wooden door like you asked, but you didn't hear anything. So you assumed that she left.

Growling to yourself, you head towards your bed and plop yourself down on the mattress. You prop your chin in the palm of your hand and stoically stare out the window, with no emotion present.

You see Tiffany running towards the route you two would normally take on the way to the D.W.M.A.

You simply sigh, "Hmph."

Just where are you off to...? You thought.


Tiffany ran and ran. She wouldn't stop until she arrived at the academy. Not when her meister's sanity was at stake.

Running up the steps two at a time, she finally reaches the top. She arrives at the front door of the school, and pulls on the handles, only for it to be locked.

"Damn! No! Hello!?" Tiffany cried out in desperation, banging on the hard surface in an attempt that hopefully, someone would hear her.

"Wait. Lord Death's number! Okay, okay, remember what Maka said..." She recites to herself quickly. She sidesteps to one of the windows and blows on it, causing fog to cloud upon its surface.

"42-42-564, whenever you want to knock on Death's door," she utters, writing on the window.

The glass begins to vibrate, and suddenly it glows a bright white light. The headmaster himself appears in the reflection of the mirror, "Hiya Tiffany! It's awfully late-"

"LORD DEATH!" Tiffany interjects, not giving the Shinigami enough time to properly greet her.

Dressed in his night clothes and a blue night hat adorning his mask, he bounces closer to the screen.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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