Chapter 2

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Author: -snaps le fingers-

Your POV

"Alright, even though it took us about 30 minutes to get to class, what matters is that WE MADE IT!" You pant as your hand rests on the doorknob to Dr. Stien's class.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't be tired! We were just jogging!" Tiffany says with a bundle of energy.

You just shake your head and open the door.

You're greeted by a voice the moment you two step into the classroom.

"Ah, it's finally nice of you two to make it to class. Take a seat, you're late. Let's make sure that this tardiness of yours doesn't happen again." Who your supposing Dr. Stien says.

You look in his direction to see that he's dissecting a frog.

"Gross..." Tiffany mutters under her breath.

You make your way up the steps and you spot Black Star. Luckily he hasn't spotted you yet.

What a goofball. You thought.

Tiffany tugs on your arm. You turn towards her with a questioning look.

"I see Kid! Can we sit with him? Pleeeeeease?" She begs.

You roll your eyes and huff a 'yes'.

She happily makes her way towards Kid and sits down next to him, they immediately go start chatting away about symmetry you assume.

You make your way over to sit next to Tiffany, but someone grabs you by the collar. You turn around and see that it was Black Star.

"You're not going to sit with them. Sit with me instead! It should be on your To Do List to sit with a god like me!" he says with a stupid grin on his face.

"I could be sitting next to the queen and I wouldn't give a damn! Now let me go. A meister needs to sit with their weapon. And my weapon is over there!" You say, pointing over to where Tiffany was sitting.

He just rolls his eyes, "You're gonna regret not sitting next to a sexy beast like m-"

You ignore him and make your way over to your sit next to your bubbly green-haired friend.

You give a huge sigh and rest your head on your palm as you plop down in the chair.

Tiffany looks at you waggling her eyebrows.

"Sooooo, you and Black-" you interrupt her corrupt thoughts.

"Don't even." You mutter.

She giggles and turns away to look at Kid, who's too busy writing his name symmetrically on a handout that was distributed.

As he mumbles about how "horrid looking" his writing looked like, you thought of an idea.

Now it's MY turn to tease her. You schemed.

"Sooo, you and Kid huh?" You say whiles aggressively nudging her.

Tiffany turns to you and blushes.

"D-DON'T THINK LIKE THAT (Y/N)!" She yells as she accidentally shoves you off your seat.

She tends to be wild when she's flustered or embarrassed.

Before you can yell at her for the push,  Dr. Stien lets out a loud cough, possibly indicating that you both stop your shenanigans, as he goes on to teach his lessons.


"That was the most disturbing class I've ever had!" Patty screams out at you, Tiffany, Kid, Liz and Patty all head out of the classroom.

You nod, "Yeah, I don't understand why dissecting frogs will help us be better meisters and weapons."

"Poor froggy..." Tiffany pouts.

"Oh hey! It's Soul and Maka! HEEEEEEYO!" Patty yells excitedly.

You all turn your head to see an albino and a girl with pigtails. (I'm too lazy for description right now, sue me. (/"3"/) )

"Hey, guys!" The girl says.

"Hey I'm Tiffany, this is my meister (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!" Tiffany greets the pair.

"I'm Soul, and this is Maka." Soul winks at Tiffany.

Kid glares at him as if in guy code telling him to back off.

'What is this? Twilight!?!' You thought as you stare at the two boys' vicious atmosphere. And they're fighting over Tiffany? Goodness gracious, boys these days!

"Nice to meet you both, anyways we were all heading out for lunch. Wanna come with?" You ask.

"Sure why not! I love making new friends!" Maka says happily.

"Okay cool! So where are we all going to-"


You all turn around to see Black Star running towards you, with Tsubaki walking behind him facepalming.

"Why must you be so loud Black Star? " she mutters as she reaches us.

Black Star points a finger at you, "We still have yet to duel (Y/N)! I won't stop bothering you until we do!"

"He's actually serious," Liz whispers to you.

"Fine. But don't come crying to me once you lose," you say cockily.

"Are you sure about this (Y/N)?" Tiffany asks you.

You nod and put your palm out awaiting for Tiffany to transform into her weapon form.

Kid gazes in admiration at the weapon.

"So symmetrical!"



Anyway, thanks for reading! I'll make sure to update soon since it's a long weekend for me! (Family Day on Monday)

MAY 10th 2016!

His Star: Black Star x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now