(2) Hart.

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"Wake up. Wake up!"

Joey and Daniel woke up on the couch to see a girl with pink hair and a pink dress.

"Rise and shine, loves." She grins.

Joey sits up quickly. "Who're you?!"

"How did you get in our house?"
Daniel asks while rubbing his eyes.

"Easy, I'm a fairy so I can get as small as I can and squeeze my self under you're door."

Daniel and Joey looked at each other and looked back at this chick.

"Look, if you're crazy..." Joey starts.

"Joey, you can't just go out and call her crazy." Daniel whispers.

"Well she is."

"Obviously...but still..."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Hart, the fairy of children. I can make any kid out of any one."

"Miss, I don't know how you got hear, or why but we can find help for you. Save your mental state of heath." Daniel says.

"Huh? Oh, you don't believe me. Well of course you don't. You're only human. I really am who I say I am. The bad thing about fairies is that we have a limited amount of lies. Lie three times and poof, dead. I've got one lie left and I wouldn't waste it on you two."

"This isn't funny..." Daniel began to say but is stopped by Joey.

"You say you're a fairy? Prove it."

Daniel gives Joey a look that read, are you kidding me?

"Shh." Joey says to him.

She grins. "Okay!"

She hops off the couch and then she whispers, "Kemashi." Then poof, she's gone.

"Oh my god!" Daniel says.

"What happened? Where did she go?"

"I'm hear! Look!"

She was on the coffee table no bigger than a thumb.

"Thumbalina?" Daniel says.

She poofs back onto the couch human sized. "See?"

"Did you see?" Daniel asks Joey.

"Only if you saw." Joey says in amazement.


She giggles. "Thanks for the reaction. So you two ate the food right?"

"Joey's mess?"

"Hey!" Joey pouts.

"Yes, I slipped some of my kemashima in there. Its a spice that changes taste with how you feel about something. Side effect is falling asleep."

"Oh, is that why I liked it but Joey didn't."

She nodded. "Since I'm a child fairy the taste was suppose to describe how you feel about having children right now. A sweet scale were the sweetest is 'yes kids!' and the bitter is 'no kids for me.'"

Daniel and Joey glance at each other.

"Wait...what?" Joey says. "I want kids."

"Was it bitter for you?"


"Its fine, just means you want kids in the future and not now."

Joey gasped at Daniel.
"You want to have kids now?"

Daniel's face pales. "Uhh..."

Hart giggles. "So I'm assuming it was sweet for you huh?"

Daniel nods avoiding Joey's shocked eyes.

She sat in between them.

"Not to be rude. But why are you, a fairy, a mystical creature hear with us?" Joey asks.

She frowns at Joey. "I am not mystical, us fairies just don't get along with humans, well, except for the children fairies."

"So what brings you?" Daniel asks.

She grins. "I'm hear to give you two a child to take care of for a little bit of time."

"Huh?" They say in unison.

"Us children fairies get board of granting kids to these woman. So for fun we grant kids for the people who can't have kids, like gay's, lesbian couples, and so on."

They stared at her, letting her words sink in.

"So you're going to make a child out of us? And then make us watch him/her?" Joey asks.

"Obviously, now that you know I want you to tell me how old you want him or her to be."

"Wait, I don't think I approve of this. Joey doesn't want to have kids obviously, so you shouldn't..."

"I do!" Joey complains.

"Yeah but, not now. Maybe in the future with someone else." Daniel says to Joey and Hart starts to laugh.

They look at her. "What?"

"Nothing. Fine I'll make her up myself. You too are no help."

"Her?" Joey notices she says.

She takes their hands and starts to whisper in a language neither Joey or Daniel could understand.

"...Kemashi!" She then winks and poof!

Pink smoke, glitter, then darkness once again.

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