(11) Hart's surprise

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"Get up get up!" Joey hears.
Its Daniel's voice.

Joey sits up rubbing his eyes and looks at Daniel's panicked face.

"What?" Joey asks.

"Look at this, its. Note from Hart."

Joey gives him a weird look, then the events of last night swarmed in like bees and hit him like an apple.

"Oh, what's it say?"

"I'm shoving this paper in your face for a reason" Daniel says.

Joey snatches the paper from Daniel and reads.

She's the same but I added a little bit more knowledge in her head. She's some where around the house, be ready for the surprise.

They glance at each other.

"So she didn't take Jan." Joey sighs in relief.

"But where is she? And how did we get back in your room?"

Joey shrugs. "She has to be in your room then-"

"Gyaaaaaahhhhh!?" Echos through the house.

A girls voice, from downstairs.

A little startled by the scream, they hesitate before leaving the room and rush down stares to see a girl sitting on the floor between the kitchen and the living room.

"Who are you? How did you get in our house?"
"Is it that easy to brake into? This is the second time this week."

She looked at them like they were crazy.

"I don't know what your talking about, but can we focus on me? Look at me!" She shouts.

She looked to be a 5ft 5 teenager with brown hair.

Then thy notice her eyes. One green one blue.

"Oh my god..." Daniel says at last.

"I know! I've got boobs!" Jan shouts in enthusiasm while cupping her breasts tightly.

"No way! Hart turned you into a teenager!" Joey freaks.

She tries to stand but falls over. "Oops!"

Daniel helps her stand. "Oh my god.."

"I'm so happy! I've always wanted boobs!"

Joey makes a weird look at her. "You've only been alive for a few days, how have you always wanted that?"

She was poking at them and Daniel turns to leave.

"Where are you going?" Joey asks.

"I need some air... for a few hours..."
The front door closes behind him.

Joey looks back at Jan who was still touching her chesticles.

"Jan, stop that."

"Why? Their my own." She pouts.

He face palms. "A teen with the mind of a 5 year old."

"6... almost six year old." She adds in an irritated tone.

What did hart get them into...? Joey was thinking.

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