(15) Filler

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The next morning Joey and Daniel woke up to the smell of breakfast.

In total confusion they get get up and head down stairs to see a grinning Jan with a spatula in hand.

She was wearing an apron and her hair was up in a ponytail.

"I made breakfast. And there was barley any smoke." She says.

Jan gives them there plates.

Joey had a pancake with cut strawberry's and toast with eggs on it.

Daniel had a pancake and avocado toast.

"Thank you, Jan but... how?" Joey says.

"Shane helped me." She says while pointing at the kitchen.

"Shane? When did you get hear?" Daniel asks while biting into his toast.

"Jan called me on Joey's phone and asked if I could help her make you two breakfast. I wanted to say no,  it I said yes."

Jan tossed the phone to Joey.

So while they ate, Jan was upstairs doing god knows what.

Joey, Daniel and Shane were in the living room.

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you the real reason why I came." Shane says.

Daniel and Joey gave him a weird look.

"What are you talking about?" Daniel says.

"We were literally quiet for the last ten minutes." Joey adds.

Shane chuckled. "When Jan called me, she mentioned you two getting friendly at bath time."

Joey choked on his eggs and began to cough. Daniel rubs Joey's back.

"Oh my god. Cant she keep her mouth shut?" Daniel says.

Shane smiled. "So... I want to listen to your explanation on what sex is to your opinion."

Joey narrowed his eyes at Shane.
"Can you do me a favor?" Joey says.

"What?" Shane asks.

"Can you babysit Jan for today."

"What why?"

"To postpone us giving her the talk." Daniel says.

"And so me and Daniel can have some alone time." Joey says.

"Oh. Good idea. I miss when it was just us." Daniel says to Joey.

Shane sighs. "I mean, I guess I can take her for a day but I've got to admit. She's a little creepy."

Joey cocked an eyebrow. "How so?"

Shane shrugs. "I caught her staring at me a couple of times during the party. I think she's got a crush."

"On you?" Joey asks confused.

Daniel laughs at Shane's face expression.

"Uh, yeah on me. Do you know how many teens want my body?"

"I'm sure there are a lot." Joey says sarcastically.

Shane rolls his eyes. "Rude and disrespectful."

Daniel goes to the foot of the stairs.
"Jan! Put your shoes on! You're leaving."

Jan ran down stairs with her shoes. "Where are we going?"

"We aren't going anywhere. Shane wants to hang out with you."

"Yeah." Shane says. "I totally suggested this."

Jan looks excitedly at Shane.
"Okay! Be right back." Jan runs away up into her room to change.

"My daughters first date." Joey says.

"She's growing up so fast." Daniel adds.

"You guys are okay with her going out with a 30 year old?"

Joey and Daniel burst out laughing and so does Shane.

"I'm gonna get arrested!" Shane jokes.

Jan comes back down stairs with a dress on. "Let's go."

"Have fun." Joey days.

Daniel pats Shane shoulder. "Don't do anything you wouldn't do with your mother."

"This joke has gone on too far." Shane chucked.

And so they leave.

Joey and Daniel are now alone.
Finally, ;)

A/N: sorry this is short. I started it this morning but after I saw that Janiel is real I couldn't.
My stomach is so tingly.
So this is a filler and I'm sure you crazed Janiel fans are to busy re watching joey's new video for the thousandth time than reading my story today.
Its okay. I'm watching it over and over again too.
So yeah.
Thanks for reading. See you next time...
(PS. Janiel is realanya)
Not sorry bout it... XD

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