(8) Janiel Is Real

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The pic above is me, (you're never to old to enjoy the park!)

You tuber quote
"What is a love story if you can't see it happen, Alfie?"

So Joey explained it all, every single detail of what occurred at their very house just yesterday.

By the end, Shane is laughing. "I don't believe that, bitch, who's kid did you steal?"

"I'm not lying! Don't you see the resemblance between us three?"

"She's blonde."

"So is my sister." Joey says. "I swear to god I'm not lying."

Shane bites his thumb nail. "Okay, send her here."

"Jan!" Joey shouts.

She comes rushing down the stares with the dogs close behind.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Tell Shane here who you are." Joey says.

She looks him dead in the eyes.
"I'm five, I'm Janiel. Hart made me out of Joey and Daniel."

"Poor girl... you taught her to say that to me?"

Joey sighs. "You'll never understand."

"Her eyes are adorable, one green, one blue..."

She covers her eyes. "Don't look at my eyes! They are not adorable!"

Shane chuckles, "So what's your real name?"

"Janiel, you bitch ass skank ass hoe!" She shouts.

Daniel had just walked in as she is yelling this and the three seconds that followed were dead silent.

Shane's mouth was in an O shape and he looked at Joey in shock.

"What are you teaching her?!"

Joey's shocked face turned into an uncontrollable grin.

"I'm not teaching her anything! I don't even know where she heard those words."

They look at Daniel.

He gives them a simple palms up gesture and says, "As if I'd."

"I might know why."

Joey recognized the cute voice.

The three turn to see Hart sitting on a stool near the kitchen eating a salad. "Hey loves."

"Who's she?" Shane asks.

"Is that my salad?" Daniel asks.

"Hart?!" Jan and I say in unison.

"Wait, that's the notorious Fairy?" Shane asks. "You guys took way to much time on this act."

Jan ran up to Hart and hugged her.

She pat her head and looked over at Daniel. "This salad is delicious, you made this?"

"Uh, yeah. That was my special salad! I rarely make it. Who said you can eat it?"


"Wait... what brings you?" Joey says.

"Oh, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not okay with you telling the world you have Janiel."

"I'm not telling the world." Joey says.

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