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(I drew Jan the way I see her in my head, I'm not so good at coloring so yeah...that's the pic above.)

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"Don't kill yourself, kill the part of you that you don't like."
-Shane Dawson.

One night, a couple days later. Joey made popcorn, he got blankets, everything was set up perfectly for a hunger games Marathon.

"Hunger games doesn't sound like a very good movie." Jan says while she settles on the couch.

Daniel chuckles while pulling her on his lap. "Don't say that so loudly."

Joey sits next to them and glares at Jan.


"I heard you, and don't be worried, you'll love it, its in your blood to love it."

"And if I don't?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

She shrugs.

"Don't fall asleep during the movies of Joey will kill you." Daniel whispers in her ear.

She looks at him with a panicked face. "Huh?"

Daniel throws a second blanket over the three of them. "You've been warned."

Jan snuck a glance at Joey and wondered if he was hiding his true (devil) self from her.

Shaking the thought of, she stayed awake through all four of the movies.

By the end Jan yawned. "Is it bed time yet?"

"Yes." Daniel answers sleepily.

They heard rain out side and Joey jumped off the couch and to the back door to see the little drops on the door.

"Ooh. Rain" Joey's eyes sparkle with happiness.

Jan stood. "What's so great about rain?"

"Don't listen to him when he's like this, he's got many crazy sides." Daniel says.

"What are you teaching her?" Joey pouts then takes Jan's hand and leads her to the door.


They look at the night sky. Dark clouds, and a sharp looking strike, bright light and Jan flinches.

"What's wrong?" Joey asks.

"What was that?" She asks.

"Just lightning."

"What's light-"
The thunder was loud and made Jan jump back and look around frantically.

"What was that?!" She freaks.

"Thunder... are you okay Jan?" Daniel asks.

She takes a breath and sighs deeply. "I'm fine... what is this?"

"Lightning and thunder. That happens when rain turns into a storm."

"Well... I'm tired, I'm going to go to bed."

She gives Joey a hug and Daniel one too then dashes up stairs.

Daniel gives Joey a weird look but Joey just shrugs.

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