Hello, Beautiful!

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Hi, guys! So I have just finished my first week of college! It's basically a constant battle with anxiety for me, but I survived!

So here's the dealio:

I just found the first fanfiction I ever wrote EVER.

And it's so ridiculously bad and obnoxious, I feel like sharing it - so you can at least compare it with my stories I now write and be like "okay, at least she isn't as bad as she used to be".

To me, it's fun to read through old stories I've written and see the progress. And once you read this, you'll see that there has been A LOT of it for me.

Not only was it my first fanfiction, it was also written during my carrot phase, in which I believed Harry was a womanizer and not the hot slice of cupcake he is now.

I'm not going to edit it or anything, I swear. It isn't even completed. I think there's like six to eight chapters and then the final chapter.

Would you be interested in reading that while you waited for an update on Pet? If so, do you want it created all in one go, or would you like it in updates every couple of days?

Or is this a stupid idea and you don't want to enjoy how embarrassed I am about how I wrote it? The plot is awful, the sentence flow doesn't exist, the boys are portrayed through the eyes of a carrot(I WROTE IT FOUR YEARS AGO)

Let me know! Love you all! 

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