Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight


 I pulled my hair into a loose bun on top of my head, annoyed with the feeling of my hair tickling my back so often.It kept sticking to the sweat on the back of my neck as I packed all of my stuff into boxes. Not that there was much of it, but I was just slightly out of shape.

I had been home for around a month now. Since I first arrived, a lot had changed. I now had a really good job working as an assistant in an office building. It was already paying enough that I was able to rent a studio apartment and today was moving day. I'd already bought a bed and small decor pieces - a TV and a couch. And of course, I bought all the necessities. There was a fridge and a stove already installed, as well as a microwave. So the rest of my budget were things that couldn't wait.

As heartbreaking as it was to admit that I might not be with Liam again, I knew I couldn't mope around my house anymore. Besides, it had been weeks since I made that call to him and he still hadn't contacted me back. Maybe Harry had convinced him that I wasn't worth all the trouble. I wouldn't blame Liam for that. I wasn't anything special, I had no talents or any outstanding features that could get me anywhere. I was just... simple. Quiet. And I didn't mind. That was just me. And Liam did have so much potential for his life that having a partner with similar traits could really push him in the right direction.

I began loading the boxes into the car I had before moving to London. It was a cheap Jeep that was really running on its last limb. But it would do for now. Maybe my new job could help me start saving for a car too. I had four average sized cardboard boxes total, a hamper, and a bag with all my last minute items like toiletries, my phone charger, a set of emergency clothing. I'd be done within an hour in terms of unloading it, but I would probably go slow to unpack.

My parents were at work still, so they weren't going to help. Which honestly I was happy about. I needed this alone time. It would be soothing to do this all on my own. Plus it felt like a true sign of independence to be fully completing this on my own.

~ ~ ~

The sun had just gone down when I was putting the final touches in the kitchen - organizing the cupboards. More than half of them were empty still, but it looked so clean and neat in the ones that did have items that I couldn't help but feel accomplished. Too bad it'd be messed up in a couple days.

On the stove, I was already cooking some pre-made pasta, where you basically just had to warm it up and melt the sauce. But if anyone walked in, they would think I was a professional chef.

My fridge was mostly empty, so tomorrow I would be going grocery shopping with my mom, which I was slightly excited for. I was proud of what I had done here and couldn't wait for her to see it.

Just as I turned off the stove and shoveled half of the pasta into a bowl and the other half into a Tupperware container for later, the doorbell rang.

It was after seven, so I wasn't sure who it could be. Maybe just my parents coming to check up on me.

"Just a minute!" I called, putting the pan in the sink and wiping my hands free of any food particles. I took off the apron I was wearing and threw it on the counter before skipping to the door.

"I wasn't expecting anyone-"

If I had been holding anything, I would have dropped it. If I had something in my mouth, I would have spit it out. But all I was able to do was gawk up at Liam. Neither of us said anything before my eyes were filling with tears and my bottom lip began to tremble.

"Hi, beautiful girl," he greeted softly, pushing me back a couple steps so he could enter the apartment and close the door behind him. "It looks really nice in here."

"Y-you're here," I squeaked. "You came."

Liam nodded, cupping my neck. Just as he pulled me to him, I burst into sobs and embraced him tightly. He must have been expecting it because I was in his arms and being carried in an instant. "I'm so sorry!" I wailed. "I didn't wanna l-leave! I promise."

"Shh, shh. It's okay, you're alright. You don't have to apologize for anything, kitten," he assured me, sponging kisses on my face after laying me down on

I whimpered miserably, pushing him away so I could wipe my face. "H-he said he'd hurt me if I didn't."

"I know, I know everything. Arianne, he's in jail. Harry can't touch you or scare you anymore. He is in jail and will be for quite sometime. And when he is out, we will have a restraining order against him," Liam hummed. "I would have come sooner but I had to make sure everything was perfect and that he wouldn't bother us anymore."

This only made me cry more, this time in relief. He kissed me tenderly, cooing at me to calm me down. "Don't cry, angel, don't cry. I'm here now. We're safe."

"W-were you ma-mad at first? Did you think I left you?" I asked worriedly, touching his face, neck, and chest. It didn't seem real.

Liam caught one of my hands and held it over his heart as he leaned down to kiss me again, deeply this time. "Of course not." He interrupted that with another kiss. "I love you so much, you know that?"

I bobbed my head, wrapping my arms around him to bury my face in his neck. Liam rolled so I was laying on top of him, his hands massaging my back. "It's okay, baby, it's okay. I love you, love you so much."

Liam held onto me while I slowly calmed down, kissing the side of my head. "You just made dinner, huh?" he asked minutes later, which I nodded the affirmative. "Let's eat and we can catch up."

He picked me up and carried me over to the kitchen counter and sat me on it. I held Liam's face in my hands and kissed him softly. "I missed you so much," I said softly. "I didn't want to leave."

"I know, Arianne. Trust me, I know. You don't have to explain yourself. Just take a deep breath and calm down. Eat while I update you on what happened since you left, okay? But first I want you to know that you made the right choice. I would have wanted you to choose the safest option, which was coming home. You did so well." Liam set the bowl in my lap and passed me the fork I had used earlier. "It took me longer than I care to admit to figure out it was Harry. His alibi sounded good. But Lila was in a drug induced coma, which caused some troubles for us getting all of the information we needed. Plus the doctors weren't sure if she would even remember because of her concussion. Then she woke up. And she said it was Harry."

"Is she okay?" I asked after chewing a bite and swallowing.

Liam nodded and stroked my hair gently. "She's perfectly fine. Still has some headache problems though, but other than that, Lila is doing really well. Niall has been nursing her back to health, you know. He's head over heels for her."

"Really?" I gasped. "Does Lila like him too?"

Liam chuckled. "They are so disgustingly in love that it makes me want to vomit. Seeing them made me miss you so much."

I got a forkful of pasta and held it up to Liam's mouth. "I-I have a good job. The best one I have ever had. That's how I got this," I told him. "Isn't that cool?"

Liam nodded, beaming at me. "I am so proud of you, Ari. You're so brilliant, you know that? Such a good, bright girl." Liam grabbed the tupperware container and began eating that, smiling softly at me. "You think you have room for me here for a little while?"

I squealed happily and threw my arms around him happily before kissing him. "Of course! Yes, please. You'll stay?"

"As long as you'll have me." 

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