Chapter Five ~ A Day

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I loved the library. It was my escape from the outside world, my sanctuary. We walked into the all too familiar building. The librarian's smiled up at me in a friendly manner. None of them were very nice women, but they knew me. I spent so much time here, that I was the one exception to their otherwise bitter social skills. They ignored Harry. Anyone else would probably have been a bit curious as to why such an attractive boy, a stranger at that, was following me around, but they weren't. His face didn't matter to them. His face was just another face... It really wasn't though. He was so handsome. I had admitted to myself on the walk here that he was jawdroppingly gorgeous, and I tried not to stare, but it was a bit hard to resist.

He lagged behind me, his hands shoved casually into the pockets of his jacket.

"What are you doing?" He whispered, more of a hiss than a whisper actually.

"Looking for something to read." I informed him, pulling a book from one of the novelty shelves; cracking open its spine and skimming.

"Why?" He asked, doing a better job at whispering that time.

"It'll give me something to do this weekend." I said casually. This was what I did every weekend after all.

"That's all you're going to do?" He questioned. He sounded a bit shocked, as if a girl like me should have plans.

"That's all." I confirmed, reshelving the book dismissively.

"But I was thinking we could hang out." He proposed.

I looked back up at him inquisitively.

"Why?" was all I could ask.

He shrugged, shaking his head.

"I don't know. Because." He said, unable to find a decent answer.

I looked back at the bookshelf, taking another book out and observing its back cover.

"Come on book worm." He chided.

"It's fucking boring here." He declared.

I looked back at him, not offended, but surprised by his use of that word. Sure I had heard it, but had never used it myself.

"Sorry." He immediately said, noticing my astonishment. He grimaced back at me, hopeful.

Was he proposing that we spend the day together, or was that just me being stupidly hopeful? I wanted to spend the day with him. That sounded incredible, but it was so far out of my comfort zone that it took me a bit of time before I could accept.

"Okay." I finally said, putting the book back.

He lit up, smiling from ear to ear, and taking me by my wrist, pulling me toward the door.

"Where are we going?" I complained.

His hand gripped my wrist tightly as he pulled me down the library's front steps.

"I don't know." He heaved, catching his breath a bit.

He dropped my wrist, turning back and looking at me with a grin.

"I just couldn't be that quiet." He admitted.

I rolled my eyes at his childlikeness, and started walking down the steps again.

"Do you guys have like a park?" He asked, walking with me.

I shrugged.

"Sure. I never go there though." I hadn't been to the park in ages.

"Why not?" He asked, a little shocked.

I didn't know. It had bored me as a child. Parks were no fun when you didn't have anyone to play with.

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