Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ The Fight Impended

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"There are times it's hard to tell the difference between my dad being a jerk, and actually having neurosis. He just... snaps. It's like I'm some enemy, and sometimes I'm fighting with him because I'm just pissed off, but other times..." He exhaled, showing fear for the first time speaking of this. "Other times I feel like if I don't fight back, he'll kill me... because that's what he has been trained to do."

I didn't know what to think just off... of all of this. Of course I thought it horribly wrong for a man to hit his own son, especially in the way Harry's dad seemed to, but at the same time, Harry talked like it wasn't a big deal. Was it? Leaning into him a little, I let my eyes meet with his, and he looked back. In spite of the discoloration on his cheek, his bright green eyes looked as beautiful as ever. There was always a little hint of sadness, something I hadn't noticed until now, but looking deeper I could tell that maybe it had always been there.

"What about your mom?" I eventually asked, leaning into his chest and running my index finger down the neck of his shirt. "She lets him do it?" It obviously wasn't my place to pry, but I couldn't help myself at this point. I wanted this to stop... I didn't want Harry to hurt, even though it didn't seem like there was much I could do about it. He leaned back a little, sighing slowly before taking a deep breath. "She doesn't... she's not exactly all there anymore." He explained, resting his hand on my shoulder, rubbing gently. "I told you that she was sick, remember?" I did remember, and though it didn't make a lot of sense to me, that seemed to do it for him. Harry's mom wasn't mentally capable of correcting the conduct within her household anymore, and that meant he could do what he wanted... so could his father.

"It's like I don't have parents much at all anymore." He shrugged, "They just pay for stuff, and occasionally get involved where they're not wanted." I glanced back up at him, pulling away enough to look into his eyes once more, and whispering. "Like the fight with Zayn?" I knew he probably didn't want to talk about what happened with his dad, and I probably didn't want to hear it, but that didn't alter my curiosity any. "Yeah, like that." He nodded, "Like the reason I'm in this fucking town, like the fact I'm still in fucking school." Harry huffed, his expression softened when I flinched at those words. Frowning in recollection, he rested his fingertips beneath my chin, and lifted just enough to press his lips to mine. "Not that I'm not glad... I mean I met you." He explained, letting his lips touch mine as he spoke. "I got lucky this time around I guess." He snickered, cupping my cheek with his hand and tilting his head enough to comfortably press his lips to mine again.

Harry's kisses were always so soft, sweet. It didn't matter too much the state of his mood whether it happy or sad, angry or excited, his kisses seemed constant: warm and inviting, calming. Certainly they were always welcome. I craved his touch like nobody else's. It's almost as though I am his drug, and he is mine. His arms wrapped gently around my torso, and pulled me against his chest, letting his lips mesh just right with mine as he sighed in satisfaction.

"So." He breathed, breaking the kiss just enough to get words out. "When can I kick this guy's ass?" He smirked, leaning down once more to peck my bottom lip. Glancing up at him, I pulled back a little, shrugging my shoulders. "Why do you even want to fight him?" I whispered, swallowing as I pushed my fingers through my red hair. Harry chuckle, grabbing my hand and entwining my fingers with his, "I'm just dying to fuck him up is all." He explained, kissing my cheek. "He can't walk all over everyone like he thinks he can."

So that was it... the age old pecking order was leading Harry to beat up a fellow classmate. He wasn't trying to make his life easier in any way. He just wanted to make a statement. "And he has said a few things about you that I'm not happy about." Harry added, leaning down against me once more. His forehead pressed to my cheek, and his arms still wrapped around my waist. "He can't get away with that... not while I'm breathing."

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