Chapter Sixteen ~ Frustrating Relations

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How did I wind up here? I felt out of place, awkward. Just two weeks ago I had been a loner, and right now I think solitude sounds pretty good. Harry had his arm wrapped around my neck; leading me along as Zayn's steps seemed to be a millisecond ahead of ours. He was obviously the dominant party in this venture, and part of me loathed that about him. He always seems eager to take charge. Harry didn't seem to mind though. He wasn't bothered by Zayn's authoritative manner, which I thought odd. Hadn't Harry told me of his disdain for being dominated? He did tell me this. Probably being controlled I recall him saying upon my inquiry of his greatest fear. How did that not apply in this situation? More so, how did Harry not seem uncomfortable, or annoyed by Zayn's presence as I did? So it's just me then... I'm the only one who isn't happy with this little union. Great. Wonderful.

We walked down the empty Sunday street, heading toward the edge of town again. How did we always wind up heading toward the edge of town? What drew us away from the city limits? Was it a subconscious longing for escape? Were we really that desperately searching for removal from this town? I know I was... and I know Zayn probably longed to be far away from Cariton as well, as he had lived here his entire life too. But what drove Harry to the edge of town? What kept him seeking for escape? He'd only just moved here two weeks back, yet he seemed equally as interested in his removal from this place as I did my own. "What's your name again?" Zayn asked, looking back at me in curiosity. I blinked in frustration, trying to hide the obvious annoyance I found with his inability to remember who I was. I don't know why that bothered me... everyone seemed to forget who I was every now and again. "Suzy." I expressed, still walking along in a numb fashion. I couldn't really hide my disdain for him that well, though I was trying to. Zayn looked ahead again, shrugging his shoulders slightly. That only enhanced my aggravation for him. Why is he so quick to brush off every single word I say? "I thought you guys knew each other." Harry finally added in, obviously not understanding how such a small town could still hold so much social shallowness. "We don't. Not really." I muttered, peering up to catch Harry's sight with an unhappy grimace. He stared back at me, and then at Zayn before nodding his head. "Oh." He exclaimed softly, finally realizing the mistake he'd made once again. He knew I didn't like Zayn, but he had again overlooked that fact. Was he that daft as to actually believe I would want to spend time with this guy? I guess I couldn't blame him though... I had not vocally protested to spending the day with Zayn, so I could hardly blame Harry for this. No. I'd just hold it against Zayn instead... that would be easier.

We walked for a while longer, making minimal amounts of conversation until finally reaching what seemed to be our destination. Why are we at the train tracks? My eyes dully scoped out my surroundings as I tried to make since of the random location. Zayn didn't wait for me to come to an inward conclusion, crossing the tracks, and sitting down on the ground. He then reached into his pocket, digging about for something. I followed as Harry mimicked Zayn's actions, sitting down beside him as I then sat on Harry's other side. The wafting smell of cigarette smoke instantly burned my nostrils. It was a rude, unwelcomed smell, and I couldn't fight back a cough. I looked past Harry as Zayn lit up in front of us. Smoke fell from his lips as he stared off into nothingness, returning the lighter to his pocket before inhaling. I've never liked that smell, or the action for that matter. Smoking seemed gross to me, unnecessary, especially to the non-smokers like myself who fell victim to the noxious vapors. Zayn held the box of cigarettes out in front of Harry, politely offering. "You smoke?" He asked, exhaling smoke into the thin air. It clouded around his face, and Harry's in billowing gusts. "Nope." Harry answered, nodding his head. I couldn't help smiling proudly. It was relieving to know that I would not be alone in bearing the odors of nicotine. Zayn then glanced at me, not bothering to extend the box in his hand further as he knew I would probably refuse the offer, but still offering out of obligation. As he seemed to predict, I nodded my head, purposefully scrunching my nose in disapproval.

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